5. Party

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I reunited with some more of the drivers and meet some of their team members that they brought along, I was getting slightly tipsy but I was handing it fairly well. I finished a conversation with Pierre who was trying to convince me to go to karaoke with him and Yuki.

I politely excuse myself after spotting Kika chatting to Daniel at the bar, I wave to Pierre before taking a seat next to her. She's wearing a short white dress which hugs her figure perfectly and her brown hair is curled loosely.

"I'm so glad you made it! There's way too many men here." I turn my nose up sticking my tongue out. "This party is amazing Alli! Thanks for inviting us," she motions towards Pierre before finishing the last sip of her drink and slamming onto the bar "Anyway lets get drunk!" she yells throwing her hands in the air.

Daniel looks at me mischief plain on his face "What's going on in that brain Dan?" I smirk as he passes Kika a bottle of his fancy wine popping the cork off for her "You're way too sober for your own party." Kika seems to pick up on Daniel's plan getting up from her chair to stand in front of me. Daniel ushers some people over to watch as Kika begins poring the bottle in my mouth, I feel some of it drip down my face as I gulp it down. I hear the familiar cheers of Lance, George, Lando and Alex as I finish a big chunk of the bottle, quickly wiping the wine off my chin.

I send the crowd a sweet smile before darting to a quiet part of the party. I take a seat on the sofa feeling the alcohol hitting me all at once. A moment later I feel the couch shift and a body slump into me "Why're you sitting by yourself beautiful?" I laugh quickly noticing his slurring words "Lando Norris you are hammered!" I say feeling him lean into me "And stop calling me that idiot, I just wanted to get away from everything for a sec." He shifts to face me "Stop calling you what?" He slurs, I shake my head he's definitely not in any shape to have a proper conversation, not that I am either.

"Nothing Lan, are you enjoying yourself?" he hums in response moving to lie down with his head resting on my crossed legs "You took took that bottle like a champ by the way," He smirks looking up at me "It was hot." My mouth drops open "Lando oh my god," My hands shoot straight to my open mouth suppressing my laugh "What's gotten into you!" He turns onto his side curling his legs up into his chest "Noting beautiful just telling the truth." His eyes flutter shut quickly falling asleep.


I feel Lando jump, knocked out of his sleep by Carlos and Charles singing- more like yelling- to California Girls together on my new table. I lean down and whisper to him "Hey i've gotta go keep them out of trouble do you want to lie down?" he hums in reply "My rooms the first one to the left up the stairs" I help him to stand and look around for anyone who can help, I spot Dani dancing not far away and yell him over. I pass Lando over to Daniel swiftly explaining where my room is then turning back to the two very drunk idiots.

Pushing through the crowd I reach Mick who's looking helplessly up at the drivers, I catch him begging them to get off his new table. "Guys come on." I hear Mick whine.

"Alli!" Carlos shouts grabbing my arms and easily pulling me up onto our dining table "Seriously?" I shout over the loud music "I knew you guys would be just as bad as Max!" Carlos grabs my hand spinning me slowly in an attempt to get me dancing. "Come on guys please get off my table it's expensive."

Charles stumbles into Carlos almost throwing them both off the table, luckily they manage to stable themselves. Charles seems to snap out of his stupidity grabbing Pierre's hand to help him down, Carlos looks at me disappointed before following Charles. I watch them almost completely forget about what just happened going straight back to dancing.

Mick notices how drunk I am and insists on grabbing me by my sides and setting me down onto the floor. I look up at him my eyes meeting his, his face is flooded with relief . "Thank god you were here if they had broken our table I swear." Mick groans. "Don't worry Mickie they would have replaced it," I glare at Charles who sends me an apologetic look "I would've made sure of it."

Mick and I dance together for awhile, jumping around and having the best time. My arms are wrapped around his neck in an attempt to keep myself from stumbling over. It feels good to be letting loose completely, getting lost in the moment with him.

I drop my arms from his neck gently gripping his arm to keep myself grounded,  "Will you be alright if I go to bed a bit early?" I ask a wave of exhaustion hitting me "Yeah of course, i'll keep everyone in check." He grabs my hands leading me to the top of the stairs. "sweet dreams Alli." he ruffles my hair before turning back down to the party.


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