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"Where is my daughter? Where is she!" My fathers shouts were muffled, and in a second the office door burst open. His face was red as a tomato, he was fuming. My dad slammed his fist on the table. "You can't arrest my daughter without evidence"

"We have reason to- "

"I don't care about you're reasons, no evidence, no arrest. Now, let my daughter go" I had never seen my dad this angry before.

"Let her go, Davis" Another cop leaned against the doorframe. "We have no hard evidence against the girl"

. . .

"Did you do it?" My dad spoke suddenly, "I mean I know you didn't but... I just wanna hear it from you"

"No! Of course not! I could never hurt Wes" I answered my father. "So many phones went up when that fucking cop arrested me. Everyone's gonna think I'm just like him."

"Emmy, you're nothing like your uncle, he was sick in the head, but a goddamn good brother. Look, I love you, and don't let what people say get to you" My father said. "People will always think we're just like Stu, and there's no changing that"

"Even my own friends think I'm like him" I spoke, "They accused me of being the killer, and then I went home with Wes. It's not gonna look good for me"

He sighed, "They know you would never hurt anyone. They're just scared, we all are"

. . .

I laid down in bed and pulled my phone out of my back pocket. Holy fuck. I had 17 unread messages. All 17 were from Chad, Mindy, and Amber. I didn't even bother opening their messages. I went to my photos and clicked on a photo of Wes and I. It was funny how such a happy memory could make me feel so miserable. But that's all I had now, memories, that's it. He was dead, he was dead and I was never gonna see my best friend again. What broke me even more was the fact I had gotten arrested on television for allegedly murdering Wes and his mom.

I put my phone on my nightstand and opened my drawer for a joint. I then slid my window open and sat on the roof smoking weed. I leaned my head back against the wall and exhaled the smoke into the air.

. . .

I woke up still on my roof, but the joint that had been between my fingers disappeared. I went back inside and heard screams and the sound of bodies hitting the floor downstairs. I grabbed my phone and quickly called 911 then snuck downstairs.

My dad laid on the floor bleeding and struggling to stand as Ghostface approached my dad with a knife in hand. Without thinking, I ran and tackled Ghostface and the knife flew out of his grasp.

"Emmy, no! Get out of here!" My dad begged, "Now!"

Ghostface threw me into our sliding glass door that led to the backyard. I rolled around on the grass in pain for a moment surrounded by the glass. I had small cuts on my arms and face, you know the kind that are small but hurt like hell.

Ghostface picked up the knife and turned his head towards me. "Stay away from my daughter, you bitch!" He shouted at the killer. Ghostface started towards my dad who laid on the floor unable to stand. He picked my dad up by the collar of his shirt and shoved the knife into his stomach, again, and again.

. . .

"So you're saying the killer just left you alone?" The cop asked.

I nodded, "He could've killed me, but he didn't"

"He? You think the killers a man?"

"No, No. I don't" I replied. "Everyone's been saying he is"

"Logan," I turned my head and wrapped my arms around Amber. "we came as soon as I heard"

Amber and I moved away from the cop and sat together. "We? Chad and Mindy are here too?"

"They're down in the cafeteria" We were quiet for a minute before Amber spoke up. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for not sticking up for you when Mindy accused you of being the killer. I'm sorry, Logan"

I took her hand in mine and stroke her knuckles with my thumb, "I know"

"I'm throwing a party later, it's for Wes, you should come"

I shook my head and let go of her hand, "I can't, I need to be here with my dad"

"You're dad wouldn't want you to miss an epic party" Amber leaned in closer to me, "The music is gonna be really loud, no one will be able to hear us upstairs" Amber gave me a peck on the lips.

"Fine, I'll come, only for you though" I rested my head on Ambers shoulder and she wrapped an arm around me. "Thank you"

"For what?" Asked my girlfriend.

"For being here," I spoke. "you don't know how much it means to me"

this chapters a bit short but it was just a filler chapter

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