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I couldn't help but think about Rory and her life at home. Rory didn't talk about her parents at all, which I didn't find strange until now. Before she left Anika seemed worried about Rory going back home. But I brushed it off and thought maybe she just didn't have a great relationship with her parents.

"Earth Logan!" Mindy waved her hand in my face and sat back down beside Anika. "You okay?"

"Uh- Yeah, yeah I'm fine. Ghostface being back is just bringing up some memories" That wasn't entirely a lie, it was bringing up some memories but that wasn't what I was thinking about at the moment. I was worried about Rory.

Anika's phone buzzed once, then twice, she stared at it for a moment before leaving the apartment without saying a word.

"The fuck was that?"

Mindy shrugged her shoulders in response. Mindy and I looked at each other and gagged at Chad and Tara's conversation, and Liam just laughed. They were saying some cute couple-y shit.

"Just kiss already" Mindy shouted at the two.

"Real mature Mindy!" Chad groaned from the kitchen and Sam laughed at the four of us from the table. "Sam! Really?!"

"You two are making me nauseous" Liam laughed.

Sam, Mindy, and I had suddenly decided to join Tara and Chad in the kitchen.

"Aw, it's like a little sleepover with the core five!" Chad realized. "Core five! Up top!"

Chad raised his hand hoping to get a high five from at least one of us.

"Get that away from me" Tara laughed.

Mindy shook her head and let out a slight laugh, "No"

Chad turned to me, still with his hand held up high, "Please, for the love of god!" I chuckled and high fived Chad. "Hell yeah!"

The door swung open and in came Rory and Anika. Anika shooed us back into the kitchen and went into Tara's room with Rory.

"What was that all about?" Liam asked from the couch.

I left the kitchen and walked into Tara's room. Anika sat at the edge of the bed comforting Rory.

"Logan- "

"No, it's okay Anika, she can stay"

"Anika, can you give us a minute?" Rory asked her friend through tears.

The girl nodded and left us alone.

I leaned against the dresser, "What happened?"

Rory was quiet for a minute before she spoke, "My dad, he um... I forgot my ID back at home and he... " Rory looked up at me, I was horrified when I saw her bruised cheek.

I filled in the empty spot on the bed Anika had left and softly brushed my finger on the purple bruise on her cheek, "Did your dad do this?"

Rory nodded and faced away from me, "I piss him off, it's my fault, I deserve it. It's fine"

"A father isn't supposed to hit his kid, Rory"

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