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Rows and rows of chairs were filled by all the graduating seniors, our principal up on the stage, and parents sitting in the bleachers recording as their kid walked up to grab their diploma.

I looked around at all the students, tears came to my eyes knowing that not all of were graduating today. Wes and Liv were dead when they should've been up there walking across that stage. It took everything in me not to burst into tears right then and there.

Chad placed a hand on mine to keep myself from picking at my fingernails -which I hadn't even realized I was doing- "I hate this too"

"Logan Emerson Macher!"

I looked over at the twins -who gave me a slight nod- and I made my way across the stage. I reached my left hand out for my diploma, but it began trembling. I assumed it was the nerves and grabbed the damn paper with my other hand and quickly walked off the stage and sat down.

I watched the twins walk the stage and grab their diploma. Chad raised the piece of paper in the air and cheered, and Mindy with her diploma, smacked the back of her brothers head and pushed him forward.

. . .

"We fucking did it!" Chad managed to wrap his arms around the three of us and we all did a combination of crying and laughing.

"Tara!" Sam called out. Tara pulled away from the group hug and ran over to her sister.

"Mom! Dad!" The twins both walked over to their parents, which left me standing there alone.

I looked around and saw my dad, Sidney, and Gale.  I smiled and ran my ass over to the three. "What are you guys doing here?" I nodded my head at Gale and Sidney.

"We wouldn't miss your graduation for the world" Sidney replied.

"I know this is like a big moment and all but this all feels so- " I paused to try to find the right word to describe how I felt.

"You feel like somethings missing?" I nodded, understanding that she was referring to Wes and Liv. Sidney threw an arm over my shoulder and pulled me closer to her.

. . .

I had told my dad to stop by the cemetery before heading home. I just had to see them.

Within seconds I spotted Ambers headstone; it was covered in red spray paint, and all over it read: KILLER. I bent down and replaced the wilting roses with fresh ones. The Freeman's and I were the only three who ever visited Amber. Tara and the twins would rather die than even look at her headstone, which I mean it was understandable since she tried to kill them and all.

The twins and Tara didn't know I visited Amber, and I didn't want them too. They all hate her, and rightfully so. But I mean how could I hate her? Amber was my first love, my first kiss, my first everything...

I love her.


Loved her.

October 29, 2023, 9:01 am

"Emmy!" My dad shook awake, "Emmy!" I jumped up and scanned my surroundings. "Hey, hey. You're okay, you're safe. But you're gonna be late, you both are" My dad nodded his head at Liam who was drooling all over the couch.

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