Chapter 5: First Encounter

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"Shall we begin?", Satan said. Just the words alone made Red feel sick to his stomach. He began to throw up as if being in the presence of such a thing with so much power he could barely stand. "Alright big boy.", Red said as he wiped his mouth and putting on his ass kicking gloves ,"LETS DANCE." He said running at Satan. "No you stay.", said Satan pointing at Red. When he pointed Red couldn't move. He tried with all his might but he couldn't move "Damnit you bitch.", Red said struggling. Satan then turned to Ed. Ed looked up and immediately felt the same thing Red did. As if those white eyes were looking into your soul. Satan began to choke Ed without laying a finger on him he just stared at him. "Whhaatt the he'll.", Ed said struggling to try to release his neck. "Nothing personal just now that you saw me I can't let you live.", Satan said smiling widely ,"Now die you worm." "SATAN!!!",Red said with those bright red eyes staring at Satan. His was trying to force himself to move with all his might. "Gggrraaaahhh.", he yelled breaking out of whatever Satan had on him. He ran at full speed at Satan. "Your pathetic.",said Satan looking down with pity on him. Satan threw a sad punch toward Red but red used his fist to push himself up to kick Satan hard enough in the face to knock him back a little. "Oh ok someone knows some trick but it won't happen twice.", said Satan standing up again. "We'll see!!!", Red said while running at Satan. Ed was watching from the ground as Satan's grip was off of him. "You were interesting but I'm afraid times up.", said Satan. Punching Red hard in the stomach. His fist was straight up while Red was hanging over his fist. Then suddenly Satan's hand turned into a sharp blade that when straight through his stomach making him throw up pools of blood. The blade retracted and Satan kicked him against the wall. Red smiled as he grabbed his stomach. "You really *cough* *cough* did some damage.", Res struggled to say with blood gushing out of his soon and his mouth. At this rate I'll die, thought Red as he took out some duck tape. He duck taped his wound and dropped the duck tape and slowly started to stand up again. "Damnit you are working on my last nerve.", Red said glaring hard at Satan. Red's eyes were bright Red and they began to sting. "YOUR DEAD!!!", he howled as he started running full speed at Satan. He jumped up and threw the hardest kick of his life at Satan. Satan blocked it with is arm but while he blocked it his arm snapped in half like a twig. Red landed but then fell to his knees as he began to cough of blood. His eyes opened up wide and he watched the horror that happened next. Red lightning appeared around his arm and his arm healed back into place. Satan then picked up Red by his head and squeezed it a little causing Red to scream in pain before he slammed his head into the wall knocking him out. Red had a flash back of when he was little. He was only two and he saw his dad and his mom having an argument. His dad pulled a gun and shot his mom and then shot himself. Red crawled into their blood and layer down in it with his pacifier in his mouth. A pair of white eyes came and said, "Looks like another is born I'll call you Blood. You remember that I'll come back for you." Just then Red came too still in the ally as he saw Satan in a human form talking to 2 police officers. "You ass.", Red said standing up glaring at the Satan. "Kill him.", Satan whispered into the officers ear. Instantly the two officers eyes turned white and they sprinted toward Red. Red's physical and mental ability always peaked when his eyes were Red. On of the officers stopped while the other still ran. Red used is palms to push them into the officer's chest breaking 3 ribs. Then he ran behind the officer and broke hick neck with out a moments hesitation. The next officer ran at him. Red pointed all his fingers on his right hand and when the officer was right I front of him his stuck his hand inside the officer and grabbed his heart. He ripped it out and then stepped on it. As the officer fell to the ground Satan and a split moment where fear was spread on his face as Red's eyes glared at him. "Not bad boy.", he said as he dropped Edison who was gasping for breath. "I'll leave you with a parting gift.", he said as he teleported behind Red again stabbing him through the back coming out of his stomach. Red coughed up more blood as he fell to the floor on the brink of death. His eyes turned back to normal as he laid there unable to move. "I'll leave you alone for now but I will be back and when I am I will have you head Blood.", Satan said, No matter how far you run I will always be filling you Blood. Watching in the shadow." He began to walk away changing into a wealthy man in a suit. "Hey you bastard.", yelled Red as he stood up and looked as Satan. One of his eyes were glowing white while the other was bright red. "My name isn't blood. It's Red." They glared at each other of a while before satan turned to leave. "Whatever I'll see you around Blood", said Satan as he turned the corner. "That damned....fool.", Red said before falling down to the ground and passing out. Ed regained consciousness and saw Red bleeding out in the ally. Oh no he's lost too much blood as he looked at Red trying to carry him. Red grabbed Ed and leaned on him walking slowly little by little bleeding more with ever step. "Im sorry Ed.", Red said weakly, I failed. He collapsed on the street right outside the dojo. This was a day that no one would ever forget.

Not now not ever

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2015 ⏰

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