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The Chamber Choir stood in the line for the Cyclone. Charlie looked up at the huge ride and then looked over at the others "Guys. I have a bad feeling about this." The teen said to the group and listened to the screams coming from the people on the ride. One of the boys turned around and looked at Charlie "Stop being scared Charlie" he told Charlie then one if girls looked at Charlie "Yeah, Noel is right" the girl told Charlie who stood next to another girl "Ocean I am not scared. I am just saying" Charlie started to tell Ocean then felt someone tap her shoulder, she turned around and looked at the boy who was in arm crutches and started to sign with his hands 'Do not worry Charlie. I have a bad feeling about this too' he signed to Charlie then she gave him a soft smile and started to sign back to him 'I am glad I am not the only one. Thanks Ricky' she signed to the boy before being dragged by the hand by one of the girls.

"You excited Charlie?" she asked Charlie, still holding her hand, and started to jump up and down with excitement. Charlie watched the girl jump up and down with excitement and looked at her "Not one bit Constance, doesn't something feel off about this ride?" Charlie asked Constance before looking up at the ride. Constance let go of Charlie's hands and looked at Charlie then looked up at ride and laughed the question off "Charlie, nothing going to happen, we are going to be fine" Constance said to Charlie then ran up to stand up next to Ocean. Charlie softly groaned and then looked at the ride, Noel turned around to look at the teen "Come on Charlie!" He called out to the girl who just stood there, looked at the ride and then ran up to the others.

"Misha!" Charlie called out to the other boy who was on his blackberry, Charlie heard a soft groan then Misha turned around at Charlie "What!" He said in his Ukrainian accent and looked up from his phone "Do you have a bad feeling about his ride?" She asked the boy and waited for his response; Misha looked at Charlie "No, stop being crazy, it's just a ride" he said and went back on his blackberry, then walked over to the other who just about to get on the ride. "I am not being crazy" she told Misha, Charlie looked at him and rolled her eyes and felt a soft tap on her shoulder then turned around and saw the last member of the choir "I don't like your crazy Charlie" she told Charlie with a soft smile and started to walk over the others and got on the ride. "Thanks Penny" she told Penny and got on the ride next to Ricky. The worker put the 'safety' bar on and told us the basic rules "Keep your hands and feet in the kart the ride and have fun on the Cyclone" he told us in most monotone voice and hit the button to start the ride. The kart went up the loop-de-loop and then heard a sound. Charlie looked around the kart and saw sparks, The rollercoaster's front axle broke and then the worst part was they were stuck at the loop-de-loop then the kart detached at the loop-de-loop.

"I told you guys!" Charlie told the others while upside down, Ocean looked at Charlie and rolled her eyes "Okay maybe you were right Charlie" Noel shout to the girl, then the worst part was Noel fell right out of the kart "Noel!" The group called out and watched Noel Gruber fall to his death, after that the rest of the Choir started to fall out of the kart it went Ocean, Constance, Misha, Ricky and then there just two Charlie and Penny.

Penny looked over at Charlie, then Charlie looked away for a second then looked at Penny whose head had been detached from her body. Then there was just Charlie alone. The teen looked down and saw her friend's bodies on the ground. Then Charlie fell out the kart to her death.

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