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"That! Was! Dope! Yo!" Misha said then turned to Ricky then saw the boy give a soft smile at Misha, Ricky was still holding the accordion in his hand then put the accordion in his lap "

Ricky! You play squeeze keys mad wicked awesome" Misha told Ricky then watched him start to sign to Charlie, The choir looked over at Charlie "Heightened abilities. I can play the accordion now." Charlie said as Ricky sign then the boy does a small accordion solo then looked back at Charlie then sign again "Level up!" Charlie said as Ricky signed then watched Ricky wheel away to put the accordion away.

Ocean was standing right next to Noel who was still in all black outfit "I champion Noel's journey of sexual discovery... but he dropped the f-bomb, in the actual chorus!?" Ocean said to the choir and Karnak. Noel sat up in the chair then looked up at Ocean then started to play with her hair.

"FORNICATION UNDER CONSENT OF THE KING!" Jane said standing on a box then put one of her hands on Constance's shoulder. The choir all looked over at Jane who was standing on the box under some blue light that appeared out of nowhere then the light disappeared. Constance did somewhat of a split over to Ocean.

Constance grabbed onto Ocean's hand then was standing right next to Noel "Why? Well, I liked the part where the two boys kissed." Constance said and then the choir looked over to Misha who was standing there "What? In my country, it is natural for two men to show affection by kissing. Not always in heels..." the boy said to the choir then waited for someone else to say something. Ocean looked down at Noel "There's a difference between affection and smut." she said to the group then saw Noel get up. He grabbed the chair and the rose then walked over to the stage the red curtains opened then looked at the choir "Not in my bible baby, bonsoir!" Noel said then the curtains to the stage closed slowly.

The choir watched Noel disappear behind the curtains than Ocean walked into the middle of the room "So, is everybody's song going to have profanity in the chorus?" She asked the choir then Misha and Charlie looked at each other "Mine will only have profanity in chorus." the two in sync then watched Ocean stare at them, Constane started to laugh at the two then looked at Ocean who was staring at her "no." she told Ocean.

Charlie walked away from Misha then stood next to Constance, Ocean walked over to Misha who was on his blackberry texting "Why don't YOU go text your imaginary girlfriend?" Ocean said to Misha who looked away from his phone to looked down at Ocean "I tell you before, there is no Wi-Fi Little Orphan A-hole." he said to the girl then walked away to go back to texting. Constance started to softly laugh then put her hand over her mouth then took it down "Sorry" she said softly still laugh then walked away.

Ocean rolled her eyes in walked over to Karnak "Noel didn't even talk about anything real. It was just a song about him wanting to be a sex worker in the old-fashioned days ... what is even the moral in his song anyway? What does it teach you? What's the lesson? ..." Ocean said to Karnak as the choir all looked at her.

❝𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧, 𝐎𝐜𝐞𝐚𝐧.❞

Ocean looked at Karnak then looked at the choir "Nooooooo." she said then soft music started to play. 

(This is important for all the songs! I will show this before every song!)



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