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"You get to go back home." Miku said.

You looked around. Clearly, you had no idea how to get back home. You felt like it was useless to fight back if they held all the power over you returning home.

They seemed non-threatening. You would've been sobbing and freaking out if they were older men instead of teenage girls.

You sat down on the ground and dwelled on your current situation.

"Fine. Whatever. How do I get enrolled?" You asked.


The girls had enrolled you into the academy as you spent your time waiting for an acceptance letter at Kanade's residence.

Her room was quite cluttered and littered with notebook paper and boxes. She had offered you her bed, and the two of you argued about who slept on the floor and who would sleep on the bed.

Kanade insisted you slept on her bed and you gave in.

It was late at night and you were worried sick for how your family and friends would react to your sudden disappearance.

There was no way you could sleep with all this anxiety. Kanade noticed you from the corner of her eye as she was on her PC scrolling through old lyrical documents Mafuyu had sent her in Nightcord over the years.

Well, she didn't notice you she was staring at you discreetly the entire time you fidgeted with your fingers anxiously as she couldn't peel her eyes away from you.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

You rolled your eyes and said "Obviously not."

She twirled around in her desk chair and you sat up. The two of you locked eyes.

She looked quite pretty, with long light blue hair, beautiful eyes and a slender body. You envied her a bit.

"What's wrong?" She asked.

She had a cold tone to her voice, and it always sounded like she couldn't care less about anything whenever engaging in conversation.

You rolled your eyes and said "I'm in an entirely different world... kidnapped from my family and I have no idea how I can get back. That's what's wrong."

That stung Kanade. She didn't like to think that she kidnapped you. That made her look awful.

"I'm sorry about this, Y/n... is there anything I can do for you?—"

"Take me ho—"

"Other than that." Kanade interrupted.

There was a long pause of silence between the two girls.

You sighed and said "Some food would be nice."

"I'll get you a snack then." Kanade took her headphones off and set them on her desk before making her way out of the bedroom and into the kitchen.

As she was rummaging through her pantry, you were weighing on her mind.

She had watched you for so long, and you were finally here. Now you knew her. She just wished you were in a better mood to be around her... but Kanade understood why you were acting the way you were.

She came back with Ramune soda and a small bag of chips.

You ate your snacks and stared at the alarm clock as Kanade was getting her sleeping bag ready on the floor.

It was approaching 3 a.m and you were too upset and anxious to even attempt to sleep.

"Goodnight, Y/n. I hope you feel better soon." Kanade said in her deadpanned voice.

You sighed and said "Goodnight... Kanade."

The next few weeks were long and excruciating. All you could think about was how worried sick Max and the others would be about you. You could hardly even eat.

Soon came the acceptance letter in the mail along with the uniform that Kanade had ordered.

So, today was your first day at the academy and then began your hunt for Mafuyu.

You had no idea how you would accomplish somehow saving some random girl from her depressive state if her closest friends can't even get to her.

It really wasn't difficult to find Mafuyu. She was assigned to tour you around the school and introduce you to teachers and other classmates.

She was top of her class and everyone simply adored her.

You were walking through the empty hallways with Mafuyu both of you wearing matching uniforms. Everyone was in class at the moment.

"What brought you to Miymasuzaka, Y/n? Are you from Tokyo?" Mafuyu asked with a sweet and charming voice.

"Ummm...." You tried to think about what to tell Mafuyu. No, you were in fact not from Tokyo. Or from this world in fact.

"N-no, I'm not from Tokyo. My..." You trailed off trying to think of something on the spot.

Mafuyu listened to you with a smile on her face.

"My parents and I moved here recently and I chose Miymasuzaka as the school I wanted to attend." You replied as Mafuyu escorted you into the cafeteria that held the stage for the musical theater club.

Shizuku was helping the lunch ladies set lunch up as it was next period.

"Oh, hi, Mafuyu!" Shizuku approached the two of you and smiled sweetly.

"Does everyone in this world have unnaturally colored hair?" You thought.

"Good afternoon, Shizuku. This is Y/n. She is the new student. Y/n, this is Shizuku. We have archery together." Mafuyu introduced you two.

"Oh, hello." You waved at the blue haired girl.

"Mind if I join you on your tour, Y/n?" Shizuku asked.

You shrugged your shoulders and said "I don't mind."

Your last destination on your tour was the archery field.

"This is where archery club takes place." Mafuyu said.

"So, do you like archery, Mafuyu?" You asked.

Mafuyu looked a bit taken back by your question. You couldn't understand why.

"Do I... like archery?" She asked herself.

"Well... you are apart of the club so I was just wondering if that's a hobby of yours." You said.

"I...don't know." She replied, that happy and sweet facade slipping momentarily.

Shizuku put her hands on Mafuyu's shoulders and said "Of course she does! She's so good at it too! Hey, Y/n, wanna join the club?"

You tilted your head to the side and smiled. "Sure!"

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