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Akito and Toya walked to VBS band practice where they'll meet up Kohane and An.

"How was dinner last night?" Akito asked Toya as they walked to the clubhouse.

"It was good. Your mom is a good cook." Toya replied.

"Have you ever met that Y/n girl?" Akito asked, once again his mind wandering back to you.

"No, why?" Toya asked.

"Oh, I don't know. I've never really seen her hanging out with Ena." Akito said as they approached the clubhouse entrance.

"Have you ever seen her hang out with anyone?" Toya said, knowing Ena's preference to online friends.

"Well, yes. Mizuki and Airi. Other than that, no." Akito said as he held the door open for his friend.

"I think she was more of Kanade's friend." Toya said.

"Hi Akito and Toya!" An said happily.

Toya waved as Kohane was busy trying to adjust the microphone settings.

Akito smiled at his band members. An approached the two and asked, specifically Toya, how dinner was.

An and Akito didn't get along very well, since they had conflicting personalities and well... Akito had a hard time getting along with many people. He was just extremely picky on who he wanted to be friends with, or to be in a relationship with.

Unfortunately, An didn't fall under that category of people he wanted in his inner circle. But she felt the same way.

They didn't hate each other, but they just didn't get along. That was all.

Band practice was enjoyable for Akito, it took his mind off you for a moment.

He did like to think about you, but it would get a bit annoying when you were constantly on his mind, distracting him from schoolwork and his friends.

And he had just met you yesterday! How could some random girl take up so much room in his mind?

When Akito arrived back home, he decided to ask Ena some questions about you.

He knocked on his sisters door, waiting for her response.

"Yeah?" She called out.

"Ena, can I ask you some questions about that girl Kanade brought yesterday?" Akito asked.

Ena opened the door and said "Who? Y/n?"

Akito nodded his head in response. She sighed and said "Sure, what do you want to know about her?"

Ena allowed Akito into her room and he sat on her bed as she went back to her PC.

"Where is she from? Does she go to our school?"

"No. She goes to Mafuyu's school. The girls academy. And... Y/n is from..." Ena pondered on what she could tell Akito.

"She's from Kyoto."

Akito hummed in response.

"When are you going to meet up with the girls again?" He asked.

Ena scoffed and said "Oh, I don't know. We don't hang out often. Why?"

"I was just... wondering. That's all."

"Oh okay. Any other questions?" She asked.

Akito pondered before asking "Does she like music?"

Ena giggled and said "Oh, yeah. She remixes and stuff. She doesn't really make any original work herself."

Akito left Ena's room and went back to his. He tried to figure out how he could get to you, but it was difficult since you both went to different schools.

He was found on an editing software, putting together a flyer.

Later that day he had called Toya and An if they were interested in performing at his event at the nearby park

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Later that day he had called Toya and An if they were interested in performing at his event at the nearby park.

They agreed, and he had called his other classmates too.

Kamishiro Rui, Otori Emu, Tenma Tsukasa, and Kagamine Rin and Len.

They all happily agreed, seemingly excited for the upcoming event.

Akito decided he'd perform himself. Maybe to impress his newfound interest.

The event would be orchestrated next weekend.

He hoped you would come, so he slid a flyer under Ena's door.

He spent the rest of the day plastering flyers on public cork boards, lampposts, and graffitied street walls.

The next day at school, he had brought a handful more of flyers and hung them all over the place. Although he didn't care if anyone came other than you.

"Oh, Otori-chan." Akito chimed sweetly at the petite girl.

"Hi, Akito! You don't have to call me that. You can just call me Emu." She smiled.

"Could you bring these back to the girls academy after lunch?" He handed her a few flyers.

"Wonderhoy! Of course! I'm sooo excited to perform! Guess what song I'm doing!"

Akito laughed and said "Oh, I don't know. What song are you performing, Otori-chan?"

"Emu!" She corrected. She hated his formality.

"Right... sorry." He apologized.

"Anyways, i'm performing my favorite song that Wonderland Showtime has produced... Alien Alien!" She then started singing her upbeat song that her and her band had produced.

"Alien watashi alien. Anata no kokoro o madowaseru." She sang on her way throughout the hallway.

Akito rolled his eyes and went on with his day.

Mafuyu looked at the flyer that Emu had recently pasted on the wall, humming in curiosity.

She took it off, ripping the tape off the wall in hopes of giving it to you. She thought you might be interested.

During archery club, as everyone was setting up, she approached you as you sat in the grass, tearing it up out of boredom.

"Y/n... I think you might be interested in this."

You looked up at your favorite purple haired girl and smiled. "Oh, thanks." You said, taking the flyer out of her hand.

You read the paper and said "This sounds cool... do you know when it is?"

"Emu-Chan told me it was next weekend." She smiled and said "Do you plan on going?"

You blushed a bit and said "Would you be interested in going with me, Mafuyu?"

A blush crept to her cheeks, as she was taken aback from your invite.

"Oh? Me? Well... if you'd like." She smiled once. again.

You sat up and and folded the flyer. "I would like that. I think it will be fun."

"This might be a good way of getting her back into music again... I'm getting somewhere."

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