Chapter 3 " The promise "

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No one's perspective
1:30 AM

Cheryl and Toni are laying in Cheryl's bed. Toni was wide awake, despite her efforts of falling asleep.

While Cheryl was sound asleep , and her tiny snores filling the room. Toni was lost in her thoughts, and she was too busy thinking ,to hear the tiny snores turn into tiny cries. And when she turned to her right where here girlfriend was previously laying , she wasn't there. Instead she saw mascara stains on the pillow that was being used by Cheryl.

Toni was confused as to where Cheryl could've went in that short span of time where toni was zoned out. Toni turned on the night light to see where Cheryl could've been. When she heard little sniffles coming from the bathroom right across from their room.

"Cher?" Toni asked, in a concerned tone. She had no idea what was going on, and she just wanted to make sure Cheryl was okay.

Cheryl's pov:


Fuck it's Toni, I really hope she didn't hear me. I quickly wipe the tears in my eyes and say "yea?"

"Are you okay baby girl? I heard you crying."

"I'm fine T, I wasn't it's just my allergies." I reply, trying to clean myself up. I didn't  want her to see me like this. She must've knew I was lying.

"Baby, can you open the door please?"

"Toni, I'm fine . I promise, just go to sleep."

"Cheryl, I know when you are lying. Open the door my love. I just want to check on you."

Toni's pov:

I was getting worried, I knew Cheryl wasn't okay. But she wouldn't let me in, I felt helpless.

"Cheryl, please baby open the door."

No response

I was close to tears, I know what Cheryl has been through, and I know she doesn't like to open up. But I need her to know I'm here, and I'm never leaving, I want her to know that I love her, and I want her to be able to open up to me.

"Cheryl, move away from the door."

"Toni wait-"

Before I could kick the door in she opened it , my heart broke at the sight. Her eyes were red , there were mascara stains on her cheek.

"Oh , cher" were the words I was able to get out before she broke down . Falling onto the floor into my arms. "It's okay my love , let it out, I'm right here." I say, while rubbing circles on her back trying to calm her down so she can tell me what was going on.

"I'm sorry" she said through cry's.

"You have absolutely NOTHING, to be sorry for. Cheryl."

"I woke you up"

I hate it when she does that. She puts me before her.

"Baby, I was never sleep. And even if i was I would've got up in a heartbeat to make sure you were okay."

She didn't reply. She just kept her head on my shoulder. Her breathing slowed down and she stoped crying. We had sat on the floor but then we both decided that we should move to the bed. We were laying down cuddling and watching TV. As much as I love this, I needed to know what happened earlier. This was my chance to talk to her.



"Can we talk?"

She nodded and sat up straight.

"My love , what happened?"

"Toni, are you you gonna leave me?"

"Of course not. I would never. EVER. Cheryl I love you. Why would you ask?"

"Everyone I love leaves....JJ, Heather . I don't want to lose you too." She says blinking back tears.

"Oh Cher, I'm right here I will always be hear with you . No matter what." I say, meaning every word I said. I really do love her.

"Promise?"she said , in a low tired voice.

"I promise" I smiled. I wanted to ask her what happened in the bathroom, but that was a conversation for another day. It's now 3:30 and I'm tired as hell. And I'm pretty sure she was too.



"I love you too" she replied. I kissed her forehead and smiled. We layed downs and turned the lights and TV off. We cuddled together and went to sleep.

"Goodnight Cher"
"Goodnight TT"

WC: 712
                            XOXO- Author 😘

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