Chapter 6 "Maaybee"

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Cheryl and Veronica were hanging out at the Pembroke in the living room watching mean girls.

They were just watching tv when all of a sudden Veronica jumped up and said. "Cher, I have an amazing idea."

Cheryl looked at Veronica confused and said "Go on"

"What if...we get high?" Veronica said with hope in her eyes

Cheryl busted out laughing and when she was done she wiped the tears of laughter out of her eyes. When she looked at Veronica she had a serious look on her face.

"Oh... you're serious. Ronnie looks 1. That stuff ruins your lungs and 2. Toni will kill me if she finds out.

"That's why she will never find out. And maybe but it's not as bad as cigarettes. We are teenagers, Cher, we have to live a little. Please, for me?

"Ugh, I hate when u do puppy eyes. You suck. Fine. But if Toni finds out and we both get lung diseases and die it's your fault." Cheryl says as Veronica jumps up and down like a little kid and runs to her room.

Veronica comes back 10 minutes later with green stuff and a little box. And she said "Cheryl, come on" going back into her room.

Cheryl sighs as she gets up. She can't help but think "Maybe Ronnie is right, I mean we are teenagers we do have to have fun. But I don't want Toni to get mad at me. Whatever let's just get this done with."

Cheryl walks into Veronica's room but when she spots the green stuff, papers, grinder, and tray she can't help but look confused.

"Hurry up before my parents get home," Veronica says pulling Cheryl into the room then locking her door and putting a towel under it.

"V," Cheryl says sitting on the floor next to her raven-haired friend. "I'm not going to lie, I have no idea how to do this or what to do."

"Well lucky for you IM a professional"

Cheryl just looks at Veronica with a 'Are you deadass rn?' Look on her face.

Veronica just rolled her eyes and started rolling blunt. The whole time Cheryl was watching her, contemplating whether or not she was going to do it.

"Annnnnd...DONE. Voilà" Veronica says holding the blunt up like it was an artwork she had worked on for 15 hours.

"" Veronica began showing Cheryl how to smoke the blunt. "Got it?"

"Ugh...sure?" Cheryl said, still unsure about the whole idea.

"Okay. So I'll do it first and you watch me so you can get the hang of it."

"Okay," Cheryl said watching Veronica place the blunt into her two fingers and lighting it. Veronica hit it about 3 times before she exhaled out the smoke and handed it to Cheryl. "Are you ready?"

Cheryl nodded hesitantly before copying everything that Veronica did.

The first few times she choked. But she soon got the hang of it.

It's been an hour and the two are high. And not just a normal high. No, they are like the highest of highs.

They are currently laying on Veronica's floor laughing their asses off.

"Wait, wait so he thought u were Josh?!?" Cheryl said in between laughs trying to make sense of what Veronica was saying.

"Yes and I was like " Nooo, dummy I'm vErOnIcA"

If we are being honest here, neither one of the girls knew what they were about they just went along with it because it was funny.

"V, I'm hungry" Cheryl soon says after the laughter died down and they were laying on the floor in silence.

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