Creek #2 - Insta live

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Craig opened his front door to the twitching blonde boy. "Hey Tweek." He greeted, letting him inside. "Hi Craig." Tweek replies with a soft smile.

Once Tweek sat down on Craig's bed he spoke up. "What do you wanna do?" He asked. Craig stood before him with the door closed behind. "I don't know." Craig shrugged.

"I don't know either." Tweek shyly admitted. Craig didn't say anything and sat beside him. All of a sudden a notification was heard on Craig's phone.

He immediately checked, Tweek luring over his shoulder interested.

Cl7d3: are you going live today?

It was an instagram dm from their friend Clyde Donovan. Craig looked at Tweek asking approval.

"I don't think I can handle that much pressure." Tweek twitched. "It'll be fine, you barely have to do anything. But if you really don't want to, you don't have to you know?" Craig told Tweek. Seeing Tweek hesitate, Craig offered to do most of the talking.

Tweek reluctantly agreed. "You sure? You sound uncertain-" Craig sounded with a little worry, warming Tweek's heart. He found it worth it if his crush seemed so happy doing it. He knew Craig loved it. "I am sure." He claimed.

craigtuckr: yes ofc, just a minute

"So what do we do?" Tweek asked panicked. "Pretty much nothing. We set up the phone and talk to people in the live and answer questions." Craig described.

They cleaned his bed and set the phone up on top of a dresser. Right next to a potted plant and a miniature solar system model. Craig noticed Tweek was still nervous, so he placed his hand on his shoulder. "It's going to be okay, you don't have to worry." He affirmed.

Tweek let out a big sigh and told himself he could do it. After all, wasn't it fun to talk to people and answer questions? He has seen some of Craig's other lives and they were always so entertaining.
"I can do it." He declared.

"That's what I thought." Craig mumbled and started the live. In an instant Tolkien, Clyde and Cartman joined the live.

Tweek stared at himself in the screen as Craig greeted their first 3 viewers. "Welcome guys." He stated bending towards the camera.
Tweek could read the comments.

Cl7d3: no way dude you have tweek there?
Cartmanbrah: FAGS
TolkienB: Hi craig and tweek??!
Cartmanbrah: craig y u so ugly

Craig giggled and spoke up; "Yes Tweek is here too, say hi." He looked at Tweek. Tweek jumped up and stumbled closer to the phone and right beside Craig. "Hey." He stuttered.

"What should we do today- oh hi Stan." Craig said to their viewers.

Tegridyweed joined the live
Cl7d3: yall should do dares
TolkienB: agreed with clyde
Tegridyweed: hi
Cartmanbrah: die or smth shut up stan
Tegridyweed: fuck off fatass
Kyle33 joined the live

"This is for you Cartman." Craig announced monotone flipping him off. Tweek laughed and the chat filled with 'LOL's and 'LMAO's.
"So we're doing dares then?" Craig asked again, looking at Tweek. "I-I mean, okay?" Tweek agreed.

Cartmanbrah: i dare ya to jump out the window
Cl7d3: take off your hat craig!! I dare you
Tegridyweed: I dare tweek to piggyback craig

Craig blushed. He rarely took off his hat. He glanced at Tweek, he seemed eager to see Craig without his hat. Oh well, a dare is a dare.

Craig slowly pulled his blue hat off his head, exposing his straight black hair. It was a little messy from sitting under the hat but he fixed it right away. Tweek's lips parted watching his friend with his hat off.

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