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[Name] had always been an introvert, rarely speaking unless it was necessary. That didn't stop them from being curious and observant though, and they were keenly aware of their caretaker Zhi le's request for help. But when a familiar traveller and his floating companion Paimon appeared in [Name]'s view [Name] was more than a little intrigued.

The traveller and Paimon had come with a commission from Zhi le, and [Name] had been tasked with helping them get what they needed. As they travelled together, Paimon kept up a steady stream of chatter, but [Name] remained silent, their expression unreadable as they took in the sights. The traveller, for his part, seemed to be observing [Name] with a quiet intensity. The traveller never saw them, and [Name] could feel his gaze on their back, even though they dared not turn to meet it.

Along the way, [Name] was fascinated by the sights they encountered. From the towering mountains to the vast plains, it was like nothing [Name] had ever seen before. But as they journeyed, [Name] couldn't help but feel a strange sense of nostalgia. Probably homesick

Paimon's chatter continued, but [Name] was too distracted to pay it much attention. Instead, they were lost in their thoughts, wondering why the traveller seemed to be so intensely stareing at them. Was it because he found [Name] suspicious, or was there something else at play? [Name] couldn't help but feel a strange feeling to the traveller, as if the energy he has is strong.

Eventually, the trio found themselves in an area filled with danger. They had encountered the Fatui, a strange group of people who had also been tasked with bringing a dead vision the same Zhi le tasked us with. The Fatui seemed to be hostile and ready for a fight, but the trio was resolute in their mission.

'damn Zhi !, She could've just asked me to bring it.'

[Name] was the first to act, their tall frame a blur as they darted towards the Fatui. The traveller and Paimon watched in awe as [Name] leaped and dodged with amazing agility, using the environment to their advantage. The Fatui's weapons bounced off the trees and rocks, unable to touch Name as they fought.

The Fatui were no match for [Name]'s speed and agility, and soon they had been subdued. The traveller and Paimon were filled with a newfound admiration for [Name], who had managed to defeat the Fatui with such ease and not even using their vision. With the Fatui subdued, the trio was able to continue on their mission.

The journey was a thrilling adventure, with [Name] leading the way. The traveller and Paimon were in awe of Name's skill and courage, never having seen anyone face danger with such grace and poise. The trio travelled together, pushing through obstacles and facing danger together.

Finally, after a long and arduous journey, the trio arrived at the location of the vision. The traveller and Paimon stood back and watched as [Name] stepped forward and retrieved the item, completing the mission, it wasn't heavily guarded as they thought seeing the fatui after it. They were filled with pride and admiration as they watched Name standing tall and proud, the vision in hand. 'damn all that trouble for a dead vision..' [name] thought

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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