Chapter 4

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A/N : This was VERY rushed. I haven't had much time to write so I rushed this chapter to make a little progress  

------------------Your POV------------------

   The king's grip did not cease as I attempted to figure out how to calm him or what happened. "Well um...Maybe the dream m-meant something?"  I suggested. He thought for a second before shaking his head. "No, no no.." He dropped me without warning and I fell to the stone floor, sharply sucking in a breath as pain seared through my backside. "Go back to sleep." He ordered. I blinked. "I can't just fall asleep on command." I said, though it was obvious. 

 He pushed me against the wall harshly, his gloved hand laced with mine tightly. His breathing was uneasy as he glared down/up (Just insert whatever height you are) at me. The fact that I was pinned to the wall made me uneasy and my heart thumped against my chest. His cyan eye was enchanting. I stared at it for a long while before Nightmare's next actions snapped me back to the current situation. The King placed his free hand to my forehead, confusing me. He started to hum a soft song and my eyes grew heavy. He was making me sleepy with his magic.

   I woke up in the familiar grey field except it was different this time. The sky was pitch black. No moon, no stars, nothing. It gave me a feeling of emptiness. I had my (weapon of choice) In my grasp. I whirled around and looked in all directions for the King. I spotted him a good distance away. 

I ran to him, wanting to know why he brought me back here. "Nightmare!" I called out. I blinked and continued running. I slowed down as I realized he was gone. A slimy tendril wrapped around my throat. "It's 'your majesty' to you, human." Nightmare's deep growl of a voice rang out, making me shiver. "W-why are we here again?" I asked, my eyes darting around. "I want you to injure me again. Like last time." He said as if it were a normal thing to say.

The tentacle retracted its self from my neck and I turned around to see Nightmare looking me up and down. I lunged at him and slashed his chest. He stumbled back, dark blood dripping down his body, his clothes torn. I smirked at him as he growled in pain. The world began to crumble again and I woke up.

I shot up off the ground after waking up. Nightmare was in front of me. My eyes widened as he held his chest. "There's no injury, but I can still feel the pain." He said, raising a bone brow. "So...What does this mean?" I asked, Standing up.

"You have the ability to injure others in your dreams and leave a lasting effect after you wake up." He told me

 "Wow. This could be useful, huh?" I said, grinning. I could totally use this to kill him. His expression remained serious. 

"You would be a useful ally, human."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2023 ⏰

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