Chapter 2

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A/N: This part is kinda shorter than the last one, sorry about that 

                                                        Your POV

I landed on my bottom, sharply groaning in pain as I hit the ground. The strong urge to pummel the king into dust took over my body as I held myself back, glaring up at him. He only grinned in return. He turned to the other skeletons, his grin fading into a neutral look. "Take them back to the medical wing, If they give you any more trouble," He looked down at me. "Kill them."

I'm a pretty brave human, and I'm not gonna take any shit from this spoiled royal, but something about the tone of his voice made me shiver.

A large hand yanked me up by my arm. I yelped in surprise as I was roughly pushed up against the wall, my face slamming into it. Horror tied my hands back up, not caring to be gentle. He pulled the chains as tightly as he could around my wrists, making me grit my teeth as my skin was pinched by the cold metal.

I was pulled away from the wall and shoved forward. "Get ta movin'." Horror ordered me. Killer and Dust walked at my sides and Cross led the way.

The dark hallways put me on edge and Killer coughed at one point, causing me to flinch. No one said a word as we made our way to the medical wing, every footstep echoing. This place was like a maze. After walking up a pair of long, marble steps, Cross pushed open the wooden door, and pulled me inside. Undoing the chains, he ordered, "Sit down." He pointed at the black cushioned bench. I gingerly sat down, rubbing my sore wrists.

Cross gave me a couple of painkillers and he bandaged up my hands. He studied my face. "When was the last time you slept?" He queried. I averted my eyes trying to think. "Um..." I murmured, then shrugged. "I have no idea."

Cross sighed. "Boss wants to see you after you get some proper rest. We have prepared a room for you in the dungeon." He informed me. I raised a brow "How the hell am I gonna get proper sleep in a dungeon?" I scoffed. He rolled his eyelights. "It's not as bad as it sounds." He said, taking my arm and standing me up.

A flash of white crossed my vision. Suddenly, we were in a dark room. Cross snapped and candles that covered the walls lit up, the flames dancing around as I adjusted myself to the sight of the room. A small pallet was on the floor in the corner. A bowl with some kind of food was beside it, as well as a book. A dark red stain was on the stone floor in a corner, as well as on the wall. I didn't question it. There were chains on the walls and a pair of cuffs hanging from the ceiling.

I looked at the pallet. "What's with the book?" I asked, looking back at cross. "Boss didn't want you getting too bored." I scoffed. "Why don't you just kill me? I literally tried to kill the king. Plus, I'm an outcast. I refuse to serve either kingdom, and I'll refuse to until the day I die." I said, coldly.

Cross didn't give me the response I wanted, which made my blood boil. "Your pretty stupid, we don't immediately kill a traitor or assassin. We need info first, then we torture, then we kill. I'd watch my mouth around the king if I were you." Cross informed me. He let go of my hand and walked to the metal door, opening it. It squeaked loudly in an uncomfortable way, making me cringe. He went to leave but then hesitated, and turned back to me. "One more thing, human," His eyelights pierced mine. "Trying to act tough and being disrespectful isn't gonna get you anywhere in this castle."

He said in a dark manner before slamming the door.

                                            Third Person POV

Y/N glared at the empty spot where Cross had been standing. They walked over to the pallet on the floor, glancing inside the bowl beside it. A gray, thick liquid was inside it. Y/N recoiled at the sight of the sad excuse for food. 'I wouldn't even feed that to a pig' They thought, switching their gaze to the book. An original copy of The Beauty and The Beast. Strange choice for a book. A classic, enjoyable book, but strange choice.

Y/N slumped down on the pallet, hugging their knees to their chest. They let out a loud sigh that echoed off the stone walls. Pathetic. They had perfected the plan for the king's assassination. They buried their head between their knees. They laughed at themselves, a small chuckle at first, turning into psychotic laughter. Tears stung at the corners of their e/c eyes as the voice in their head mocked them. 

What a lazy excuse for a human. 

They growled at themselves, clutching their legs, leaving marks in their skin. They squeezed their eyes closed, trying to focus on anything other than the current situation. 

 They're laughing at you. You failed

"I may have failed, but I will have the king's head on a silver platter, I'll burn his palace down and mock him like the fool he is." Y/N whispered to themselves, relaxing their body and drifting off to sleep. 

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