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Hi Guys this is chapter 2 and I hope you like it so enjoy!

[Their wasn't an akuma attack the next day as Nino was in the class with a frown not looking ahead but he kept on glancing at the vacant seat beside him when Alya and Marinette enter]

ALYA: Hey Nino!

NINO: Hey...

[Alya frowns while Marinette was looking at Adrien's vacant seat with a frown as well]

MARINETTE: [Thinks] Strange Adrien didn't had any shoot today so why isn't he here...

ALYA: Hey Nino everything alright.. and where is Adrien?

NINO: He isn't coming... [Lowers his head]

[They both were about to ask when Miss Bustier entered the class with principal Damocles and they both had a grim expression on their face as Marinette and Alya take their seat]

BUSTIER: Students I would like you all to listen to Principal Damocles carefully!

[All the students [Except Nino] turn to the Principal as he clears his throat and speaks]

DAMOCLES: I am sorry to inform you that from now on one of your friend Adrien Agreste... [Stops to look at the class who had a worried expression while Marinette tenses] will not be going to attend the school...

[The class began to shout at the news in anger and sadness as Chloe was angry and crying and Marinette looked like she was hit by a truck as she sat their frozen at hearing the news]

DAMOCLES: Calm down I know its sad but we can't do anything.. Mr Agreste had strictly prohibited Adrien to attend the school since the previous deadly attack of akuma which almost ruined the city so he had decided to take Adrien out and homeschool him again so I am here to inform you that Adrien will not be joining the classes from now on! [With that he left as Bustier took some time so the students could cope with the news]

[Nino was shedding tears silently as Marinette was also in tears now as she was separated from the person she loved dearly by heart as Alya puts a hand of comfort for her]

ALYA: I know its hard girl but you have to control yourself...

MARINETTE: Alya.. Adrien i-is.. [Cries as Alya hugs her while other girls also become sad and everyone comfort each other and Chloe was being comforted by Sabrina who also had tears as well]

[School time went by but no one had the a spirit to study as they had lost a dear friend and they go home and Alya tends to a weeping Marinette who had calmed down thanks to the kwamis as well as Alya says]

ALYA: Hey.. now don't be sad girl! How about we all go and convince his father to let Adrien come to school! I am sure with you we can do that! You have managed to convince Adrien's father several times like about the book incident and going to New York! Besides nothing is impossible for our Ladybug!

TIKKI: Yeah Marinette Alya is right why don't you all go and convince Adrien's father?

MARINETTE: No Tikki.. Alya if this time his father has taken Adrien out to protect him then we can do nothing... I mean I can still see many are shaken from the strike back attack so if his father has done this to protect him we can't say anything..

ALYA: But you can't lose hope girl their must be a way..

MARINETTE: Their is.. we can only bring Adrien back when we defeat Shadowmoth.. His defeat will settle everything to normal and then I can even ask him out without the fear of my secret identity coming in the way of our relationship like it did between me and Luka...

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