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Hi Guys this is chapter 5 and I hope you like it and this will be a very long chapter so enjoy-

[We see Gabriel coming back to the mansion as he was tired from the work [Which mostly involved of locating other Miraculous or finding a way to defeat ladybug to no avail] as he gets out of his car and goes inside the Mansion where he is greeted by Nathalie]

NATHALIE: Welcome back Sir!

GABRIEL: Nathalie how were Adrien's photoshoots. Did he behave well? I hope he hasn't caused you any problem..?

NATHALIE: No Sir. Adrien well-behaved in your absence.


NATHALIE: How was your trip?

GABRIEL: No luck. I did get the business going but I didn't find any reports on new Miraculous nor a way to defeat ladybug... I don't know Nathalie... I have lost the Peacock Miraculous and I am sure it was Felix who took it but he has disappeared.. I searched whole London but couldn't find any trace...

NATHALIE: Sir... maybe we should give up...

GABRIEL: [Eyes widen] What are you saying Nathalie!!

NATHALIE: Sir we have tried long enough now... and we have lost countless times to them and now Ladybug is the guardian and she has become quite conscious not making any mistake... our bigger plans like risk and Strike back failed. I don't think their is any reason we should continue it..

GABRIEL: You are saying this to me Nathalie.. You know how much dear is Emilie to me and we agreed to work to bring her back. You might not fight with me but I am not backing down.. I will get ladybug and Chat Noir's Miraculous even if its the last thing I have to do..

NATHALIE: But Sir you have lost more things then getting anything back.. You have even neglected Adrien mostly in his life. He needs a father Sir and what you are doing is torture.

GABRIEL: Sometimes you have to make sacrifices Nathalie. Emilie is more important to me then anything else and I will get her no matter what even if I have to risk losing Adrien and that's final.

NATHALIE: But Sir- [Was cutoff by Gabriel]

GABRIEL: [Agitated] NO BUTS NATHALIE! IF YOU CAN'T HELP ME THEN SHUT UP ALRIGHT!! [His Miraculous glows as he feels a negative emotion and he smirks] I have a job to do so get back to work and I expect no more talks on this manner Nathalie. Do I have myself clear.

NATHALIE: Yes Sir. But you we can't defeat an entire team..

GABRIEL: I know Nathalie so I have decided to get to change my course.. This time I will make sure that the villain I create will not only threaten lives but fill at a massive scale.. Knowing ladybug she will not be able to see anyone die and will surrender..

NATHALIE: But Sir you are going too far.. [Horrified]

GABRIEL: I want my Emilie back Nathalie even if I have to kill someone for it then I will.. And if ladybug doesn't surrender then I am sure after seeing someone die will surely create a mass panic among citizens which will give me the power to eat on their fears.. [Smirks evilly]

[With that Gabriel leaves leaving Nathalie who had few tears as Gabriel goes down while Nathalie speaks on her phone which she had hidden inside her pocket]

NATHALIE: He is coming Adrien get ready you have already heard what you wanted.

[Nathalie did hear Adrien's voice and she knew that the boy was crying as well but he replies]

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