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In a Plaine of darkness a figure stood impatiently, awaiting the arrival of two of his favourite souls.  

Mortem had grown restless and tiresome, listening to mother magic have a fit over the fate of her creations and how they'd destroyed the magical world in a spur of their own delusions. Mortem, in a fit of boredom and annoyance, decided to change the fate of the magical community. Not for their sake. but his. 

So he collected the soul of his master, Hadrian James Potter. And he collected one more; A girl. One of his favourites, not that she was aware. She amused him and for that she would get another chance at life, in a world she'd dreamed about since she was a child.  Of course he wouldn't send her unprepared and he would never leave her unprotected. She was his Afterall.  

HIS to care for, 

HIS to protect, 

HIS to watch over.

He would give her the world if he could. Unfortunately, He'd have to settle for giving her riches and power for the moment. A fickle thing really. with the power he would give her she'd have the wizarding world in the palm of her hand, it would be hers to guide, to rule if she so desired; if he'd have anything to do with it. She was after all, his daughter. 

Not that she was aware. An unfortunate side effect of rebirth. Memories of the past cannot follow into new bodies.

Mortem's thoughts were side-tracked as the object of his affection arrived in Melisandre fashion. In other words, Melisandre appeared in the bleak oasis with a rather loud thud, and falling rather harshly upon the non-existent ground which seemed to defy all laws as it clearly existed, evident in the growing pain that ran through her body. Which should not be possible, seeing as she was in fact, dead. 

Mortem sighed, rubbing his brow. Despite the girls memories being taken away at each new life she always entered his domain the same way. 

Melisandre grunted in pain, lifting her face she was welcomed with the sight of never ending darkness, a sight that calmed her. She'd always been comforted by the darkness, its welcoming aura blanketed her in every life, protecting her. 

Peeling her body off the non-existent ground she gasped, a bony hand entered her line of vision, cloaked in a black coat Mortem offered his hand to his daughter. Raising her head her vision welcomed the sight of Mortem, the bony figure draped in black cloth stared down at the girl. In fright she squealed, curses leaving her lips that would have a sailor blush and shut her growingly wide eyes, her body curling up safely. 

After a few moments of silence, she peered over the hands that covered her vision, Her own of course. Still Mortem stood with his hand outstretched and his gaze amused. 

"There is nothing to be afraid of little one" said Mortem

Melisandre, unsure in her actions hesitantly grasped her hand in his awaiting one and with a tight grip allowed him to pull her off the floor.  She looked around in confusion, finally meeting Mortems gaze. The pieces of the puzzle finally connecting as she realised she was in fact, dead. 

Mortem sighed and with a monotone voice exclaimed "I assume by now that you have figured out that you have died, little one. My name is Mortem and you are here because I have decided that you are to be reborn. Specifically you will be reborn into your favourite world, that of Harry Potter. I will explain everything so please refrain from asking questions till the en-" Mortem stopped abruptly.

"Are you- 

are you humming Metallica" said Mortem in amusement. 

A slight pause.

"It calms me" said Melisandre rocking her body back and forth from the ground. 

"O-Okayyyy" "Moving onnn" said Mortem awkwardly as he chuckled at his odd daughter.

"as I said you are going to be reborn into the harry potter universe. You will become Harry's twin sister and will be going into the world with fore-knowledge. Your goal is to change events and do whatever you deem acceptable in that universe. I will be giving you some abilities to help guide you in the magical world as well as a sort of guide. and by guide I mean Harry Potter who should be arriving any minu-"

A hard thud and groan of pain sounded behind the pair as Mortem chuckled in amusement. 

"Neverrr gets old" said Mortem under his breath as he smirked.

"Harryyyy my old friend. How ya doingggg." said mortem as he skipped slightly, with awkward finger gun motions as he grinned.

"Well I'm doing quite dandy Mortem" Harry said as he winced in pain.

"Great-Great. Listen, long story short that- [He pointed over to the awkward girl rocking her body on the floor, humming Metallica] is Melisandre. And she is going to be your twin sister in your next life. so you better be nice to her, OK - okayyy. Now you are gonna be reborn and Melisandre is going to join you.

You will be reborn at age 7. There is going to be a few surprising changes but nothing you can't handle, and I will be throwing in a few extra abilities to help you both. And blah - blah - blah, don't worry you can still talk to me every once and a while, be nice to your sister and have a great trip, love you!. "

Mortem said hurriedly and pushed Harry forwards who fell through the non-existent floor along with Melisandre who was screaming and swearing like a sailor. 

Then their memories went blank.

[ Heyyy Guys it's the author, just wanted to let anyone who reads this that I'm open to suggestions and feedback and I'd really appreciate any commentary about this story - please be nice - and if anyone see's any bad grammar or anything please let me know! Thanks for reading and I hope someone enjoys this and someone reads my book otherwise It'd be a bit awkward lol]

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