Chapter Six

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After wishing farewell to the Goblins we made our way into diagon alley. Our first stop being the trunk shop as we decided to buy a trunk with an apartment inside. After talking to the owner we'd settled on two trunks with magical enchantments such as privacy spells, protections, a slowed time charm, and agreed on what we'd wanted the trunk to look like, both interior and exterior. After paying, we set off to the bookstore.

This time we'd do this right! And to do that we'd need strong allies and not just on the light side. We needed to learn Pureblood etiquette, pureblood customs, fashion and we'd need to be ahead in our studies for an advantage. Besides it couldn't hurt having Petunia and Dudley read some magical books either.

Reaching Flourish and Blotts, we went up to an employee who quickly summoned all of the books we needed and quickly paid for them, placing them in our newly acquired trunks.

All of our coursebooks we would need in Hogwarts for all the years [including copies for Dudley although for the subjects which did not require magic, such as potions]

Leaving the store we next went to buy some wands early, and figuring we couldn't go to Ollivanders we went to a little store in knockturn alley called Vera Vertum where we picked out the raw materials for our wands to be constructed, we paid and were told to come back in an hour. Next we went to Madam Malkins Robes for All Occasions, where we [All of us] acquired a whole new wizard wardrobe after being measured and paid extra for the clothing to stretch and grow as we did. After paying we were told to come back in an hour and swiftly left.

Next we'd visited the apothecary shop and bought enough potion ingredients to last us a few years and for Dudley to practise as well, perhaps even Petunia too.

After picking up our new wands and buying wand holsters, we figured we'd get ice cream while Dudley dragged his mother to see the broomsticks with her own pouch of money, we'd given her although she'd refused it at the start.

Walking up to the Ice cream store we picked out our flavours, chocolate chip for me and mint flavour for harry. As we waited for our order which I was staring at hungrily, a sharp pain in my hip distracts me and I turned my head to harry with a hiss of pain and annoyance on my face. "Hey!" I said as I got ready to elbow the boy back.

"wait, Look." He said urgently, as if to distract me from hitting him back.

I looked over my shoulder and to my surprise I see two familiar red heads counting Galleons in their hands as they looked at the ice cream shop. "My favourite twins" I whispered to harry in excitement. "Well, aside from us of course."

"of course," Harry said in amusement, a small smirk on his face.

Leaning over the counter I asked the witch working there how much their order was.

"2 Galleons" she said in confusion.

Reaching into my pocket I pulled out 2 extra galleons and slid them across the counter and grabbed our awaiting ice creams we had already paid for and before leaving I turned and said "Don't tell them please and have a nice day." The young witch smiled, and I see an old couple take our place ordering as we make our way to the broomstick store to find Dudley and Petunia and make our way home.

The next day the Evans family sat down to talk as they pondered their living situation. Harry explained the inheritance leaving us with multiple properties and after many hours we agreed to sell the Dursley home and move into the Manor located on Mortem island, which was secluded and allowed for the family to practice all kinds of magic they wished. It also allowed for them to be away from the eyes of Albus Dumbledore. After moving into the large Manor, the twins claimed the south wing for themselves and the other two claiming the west wing they quickly situated themselves into living in Mortem Manor.

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