Chapter Two

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Melisandre whimpered in pain as a hand held her hair tightly, squeezing her skull, her body twisted awkwardly as Vernon held her by the hair. The man was red with rage, his eyes threatened to pop out of his head and his moustache twitched as he continued his verbal assault on the young girl, spit flying as he barely contains his undeniable rage.

The mans rage had caught the attention of the rest of the residents of 4 privet drive as Petunia came running to the scene, just in time to see Vernon take his right fist and begin punching the small girl repeatedly as she struggled in his hold with tears running down her delicate face, already covered in appearing bruises. Petunia shrieked in desperation and fear as she stood rooted to the ground as if she were frozen. A small body colliding with hers took her out of her state of panic as Dudley shook in fear as he watched his father punch his smaller cousin again and again. His crocodile tears brewing as he screamed his throat raw at his father to stop with a scared lump in his throat. The Dursley house was loud as Vernon screamed in rage at Melisandre, while Petunia and Dudley screamed at Vernon to stop with raw voices and panic in their eyes. 

The street of Privet drive was dark as the lamps glowed dimly, the night was quiet and the stars shone brightly. One by one the residents of Privet drive awoke to screaming from number 4 privet drive. Neighbours grew restless and fearful as the women put on their night gowns and the men walked outside telling their wives to phone the police.  They grew increasingly nervous as two cars pulled up sharply to 4 privet drive, 4 coppas stepping out in urgency as they kicked down the door to the seemingly normal house.

Harry from atop the stairs had begun screaming at Vernon, charging his way to Vernon with the intent to use wandless magic on the pig of a man, when the door burst open and 4 coppas immediately ran in, surveying the situation they violently grabbed Vernon by the underarms and dragged him outside kicking and screaming while the their partners comforted the family and called the ambulance for the small girl. 

The residents of Privet drive watched in a crowd as Vernon Dursley of 4 privet drive was dragged into a cop car kicking and screaming, while covered in the blood of a 7 year old girl with busted knuckles and a dishevelled appearance.

That was the last they saw of Vernon Dursley. 

Melisandre had been in hospital for 2 months. The damage of lasting abuse and malnourishment meant that the damage from the assault was much more severe on the small girls body. With multiple cracked ribs, a concussion, bleeding on the scalp and forehead and evidence of past abuse, Vernon Dursley was swiftly arrested and thrown in the slammer for many years to come. 

With Vernon gone Petunia made some changes around the house. Dudley had immediately given up his toy room for the twins and the small family made arrangements for the rooms accommodations. Now the twins no longer had an overbearing amount of chores but a healthy amount for a now 8 year old, with Dudley picking up the slack to his amusement. Along with a room the twins had received a whole new wardrobe and Dudley had given the twins some of his toys to play with.

With Vernon's absence also came a loss of income so Petunia found a nice newspaper shop to work at which could support the small family for now but would be a problem in the future. Unknown to her Hadrian had decided to fund the family with Vernon gone immediately, once he got his hands on his vault. 

And lastly Petunia and Dudley had swiftly changed their last names back to Evans in freedom of Vernon's imprisonment.

Things were changing at the Evans household. And they were only about to get better. 

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