Chapter Five

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Isia told us to remove our clothing and dress in a silk nightgown she'd handed us and directed me towards the shallow pool whilst Harry gave me a look of support. Laying down as comfortably as I could Isia joined me holding my head in her small hands, she informed me that this was most likely going to be the most painful thing I had ever encountered due to the number of blocks placed on my body.

She placed her long fingers on my temples and closed her eyes, mumbling to herself I watched in fascination before the pain hit. It felt like eternity as the blinding pain flooded my body as I withered and screamed in the pool, tightening her grip on me Isia continued mumbling. My ears rang and my body spasmed as if the pain was looking for a way to escape. Then the pain stopped, my muscles screamed in agony and my eyes were dry of tears and the lingering ache in my throat was present as I floated in the water. Isia held me up as my legs shook in protest and I had barely noticed when my cloth was dried magically. In my blinding pain I felt harry grab my arm and help me into one of the chairs that stood in the corner. Seconds later I heard Harrys raw scream as he too faced the pain of the purification ceremony.

Once the horrors were over we dressed and made our way to Kleerk's office, I had felt lighter despite not remembering the feeling of being heavy before the ceremony. Thanking the kind goblin and saying the correct departure we turned and knocked on Kleerk's office door and entering once told.

"Lord Potter and Lady Mortem, how do you feel?" He muttered.

Similarly Petunia and Dudley jumped up with worried looks and asked how we were.

"We feel much better thank you, shall we start then!"

Taking our seats Kleerk nodded gleefully and pulled out several small boxes ranging in different colours and crests.

He explained diligently "These are your Lord and Ladyship rings, there is one corresponding to each house and as you are twins the older shall put on each of the rings and they shall also appear on the younger ones fingers as well. The rings are able to merge together and create one big one if needed and they have the ability to remain invisible if you so desire; the rings cannot be lost and cannot be forcibly taken off, nor can they be worn by anyone other than you. Each ring corresponds to its vault and can open the vaults as well, noting that you do not have the potter vault key it has been reclaimed and destroyed and a new key made."

I gasped in awe at the beauty of the rings as I looked over all 10 boxes.

Seeing as I was the older twin I swiftly put on all four of the founders rings and watched in awe as they morphed into one ring. Moving on I placed the last six more rings on their corresponding fingers and watched as they appeared on Harry's hands as well. The magic encased my whole body as I felt the acceptance of the family magics flow through me as I closed my eyes in happiness and the familiar feeling of home.

[Please feel free to imagine the rings as whatever you want, I am very indecisive and did not want to propose ring photos that one person may like and someone else may hate. Soo its up to you, whatever you like feel free to imagine.]

Kleerk gave me a smile which made me feel slightly uneasy due to his sharp teeth but politely I smiled back said "Mister Kleerk we would like to buy two bottomless dragonhide bags, one in Black and one in green and a card linked to each of our vaults so ten in total as an easier way to access our vaults." With a gleam in his eye Kleerk reached under his desk and in his hand appeared two bottomless bags of our choice, taking the bags Harry and I put them in our pockets with a smile.

"Are there any other inquiries you'd like to make?" Kleerk said.

"We would like you to keep the list of potions and blocks, abuse sustained and evidence of the money stolen from us in a safe filed location and use them to start a case against this Albus Dumbledore man and the two Weasley's involved, we would like a foolproof case which can be later held up in wizard court and have the involved prosecuted correctly. Secondly, and now we'd like to be absolutely clear in saying this, we would like anything goblin made to be taken out of our vaults and returned to the original owner with a clause attached to it; We may borrow said Items without question at any time. "

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