I'm going to take you out... On a date!

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A/N: This was a request from Artisticgirl2000. They asked for a story about when Marina and Jonah went on their date and how the two, especially Marina, felt about it. Therefore, this story is set after Death Match.

Jonah couldn't believe that Anders had convinced him to go clothes shopping! And the younger man actually thought he would be able to get him into a suit! Anders quickly gave up on that idea after the intense glare Jonah gave him...

But that didn't stop the Turk from scouring the racks of clothes in every store he dragged the African to. Jonah felt like they had been shopping for hours, but every time he checked his watch, only a few minutes had passed since the last check-in.

"If you keep checking your watch, I will confiscate it!" Anders vows when he sees Jonah checking it for the 30th time.

"We've been here forever!" Jonah groans, "we're never going to find anything! Why can I just wear my normal clothes?"

He rolls his eyes, "I don't know what planet you think this is, but on Earth, people don't normally wear bulletproof vests on a first date!"

He blushed, "I guess you're right... But will you hurry up, please? If we take any longer, I'll miss the date!"

"Relax, my gun-wielding friend!" he beams, holding a pile of clothes draped over his arm, "I have the perfect outfit for your date with Marina!"

"Great!" he made to go towards the cash registers, "let's go pay and-"

Anders grabs him by his collar, "not so fast, lover-boy! You need to try these on first!"

Jonah groans as Anders drags him further into the store to where the changing rooms are. The weapons expert was shoved into an empty room with the clothes and stood in the middle after the investigator had closed the door. Knowing Anders would sit outside the door and wait until Jonah came out wearing the clothes, the ex-hitman placed the clothes on a shelf before stripping off his uniform. Piece by piece, he puts on the outfit; he had to admit, it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be.

First was the pants; they were dark gray dress pants with loose cuffs and a fitted waist. Anders must have trusted that he owned a plain belt since he hadn't provided one for the fashion show. Then there was the black button-up shirt. It was borderline snug around his chest, but his movements weren't restricted, nor were the buttons threatening to pop, so he figured it was alright.

He'd convinced Anders not to give him a tie and to let him wear the plain black shoes he already owned, so he steps out of the dressing room, and Anders looks up from watching some children petting Hunter to take in Jonah's look.

Anders nods, "not bad... Tuck in the shirt for the date, and you'll be all set!"

"Is it too much?" Jonah worries, looking at himself in the mirror, "or is it not enough?"

"You're just going to dinner at a local restaurant, not a five-star bistro in Paris!" he teases.

He frowns, "how do you know that? Marina hasn't said where she wants to go yet!"

The agent holds up his phone, "who do you think helped her pick the place?"

"When did you even have the time?"

"I'm an excellent multitasker."

Jonah couldn't argue with that logic. He also couldn't argue that he didn't look good in the outfit Anders had picked. It was simple, but it was his style, and he was sure Marina would approve. He knew the Russian would look a million times better than him in anything she wore, and he looked forward to seeing her.

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