PBPD Meet Anders!

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A/N: This one-shot was requested by HikariIno on Archive of Our Own. They suggested a story taking place after "Return to Killer Bay" in "Where in The World Are The Killers?" where the PB team meet Anders.

"It was nice of you to give your team the night off!" Amy smiles at Chief Ripley, "I was worried the Bureau would leave before we had the chance to spend some time together!"

"They've been working hard to take down SOMBRA," Ripley says proudly, "they deserve to rest when we have the chance!"

Following the success of closing their shared murder investigation, the PBPD and Bureau decided to celebrate with drinks at Zhoot Up! Léon had been more than happy to close his bar for the night to give them a private party, and he, along with Jessica, joined the two teams for the evening. Vuk had offered to babysit the kids for the night since he was already watching Elijah, who was busy catching up on his well-deserved rest.

With Léon and Fili behind the bar, the drinks flowed for those who wanted them. And for those who didn't want to (or couldn't) drink, non-alcoholic options were offered as substitutes. The teams sat around the club at the tables and bar, enjoying each other's company and trading stories about past cases. Fingerfoods and treats were also served for people to enjoy, and the beignets were by far the biggest hit.

"It's nice to see you guys again without a dead body between us!" Adalet laughs, raising her glass to her lips, "traveling the world is fun, but I've missed Pacific Bay... and having a home I only have to share with my husband, son, and pets!"

"It's no more enjoyable for the rest of us!" Jack rolls his eyes, "I know someone used the last of my shampoo!"

"Sure you didn't just forget to restock it?" Carmen teased, "you have enough beauty products, I'm surprised you ran out of something!"

Yann chuckles, "reminds me of Léon and his baking supplies... Do you know how many chocolate chips alone he owns?!"

"Oi! And who's the one who uses those chips to make you and your kids cookies whenever you ask?!" Léon mock glares, smiling to show there is no malice behind his words.

"Be nice to your brother, Yann! I don't want him to withhold his baking from us!" Jessica gently slaps her husband's arm, "do you know how much easier it's been to make things for the kids' bake sales?"

"That's because I bake everything!" Léon reminds her.

"And you do such a good job at it!" she praised.

He rolls his eyes as Nathan and Oberon laugh at Léon's fake annoyed look. Others chuckle at the exchange before falling back into conversation with their tablemates. Eventually, Fili comes out from behind the bar with a glass of whiskey and sits on the stool beside Adalet, wrapping an arm around his wife. Adalet leans into the embrace and rests her head on his shoulder.

"I've been meaning to ask," Hannah spoke up, "aren't we missing one of your teammates, Letty?"

Adalet looks around the room, "no... This is everyone! Why do you think we're short someone?"

"Well, Heather likes to watch global news to keep up-to-date on new fashion trends, and we usually watch the rest of the news too," she explains, "sometimes your team appears in one of the segments, and in one, there was a guy with dreads in it. I don't remember what the report was about; it must have been a recent case or something, and he was never named or had his face shown..."

Adalet chokes on her drink, sputtering to clear her airway. Fili pats her back but fails to keep the grin off his face. Those of the Bureau who realize who Hannah is referring to either snicker or nearly groan at the reminder of the day they met Anders for the first time. Meanwhile, the PBPD watches in confusion while waiting for someone to tell them what is happening.

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