My Beautiful Marionette

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My gremlin child issy5316 (Wattpad)/Lizardkiller (Ao3) submitted this request. It is also a VERY belated (sorry about that!) birthday present to her!

She asked for a story that takes place in her gender-bend AU of Pacific Bay. She requested a one-shot with Yami being harassed by Freddie Alonzo (he does not deserve a gender-bend because he is mean (her words, not mine)), inspired by Frollo's actions toward Esmeralda in The Hunchback Of Notre Dame. There's more to the request, but I don't want to spoil her whole idea!

Yami is the gender-bend of Yann

Jesse is the gender-bend of Jessica

Frankie (short for Francesca) is the gender-bend of Frank

Anders is well... Technically the gender-bend of Adalet? Does it count as a gender-bend if the original character is a genderfluid alien capable of magically changing their sex?

It was a perfect night in Jazz Town. The moon was full, the air wasn't too cold nor too humid, and the lights of the town cast a soft glow upon itself as the sounds of nature created a soothing medley of music. Yami was enjoying it all as she walked down the street. She had just left a local jazz club after a night out with her friends from high school and declined the offers for a ride home, instead choosing to walk and enjoy the peace of nature.

Yami couldn't wait to get home and cuddle with Jesse in their bed. Both of them had the day off tomorrow and planned to spend it relaxing with their kids. Work had been crazy lately, ever since the team got transferred to Jazz Town. From dealing with the recovery efforts from Hurricane Yves and preparing for the impending Hurricane Zelda to the hunt for The Puppeteer, the team hadn't had much time to rest. He was sure Chief Marquez's patience was wearing thin, especially with having to deal with Frankie's drinking and the crazy murders Anders kept stumbling upon.


The woman stops walking at the sound of her name being called. Looking around, she spots Freddie Alonzo approaching, smiling and waving at her. The two had been friends since they met at the Jazz Town festival years ago, which the man organized annually. Freddie was so nice and always made Yami's kids and other children smile with his jokes and games. Though she sometimes found that he could be a little inappropriate, he always stopped and apologized when she called him out for saying or doing something unwanted.

Yami smiles, "hi Freddie! What are you doing out so late?"

"I could ask you the same thing!" Freddie chuckles, stopping in front of her, "I got so tied up in planning for the festival that I lost track of time..."

"Only you, Freddie!" she teased with a giggle.

"What about you? I don't usually see you out this late alone!" he remarks.

"I was catching up with some old friends at the jazz club on Bourbon Street," she answers, gesturing down the block, the warmth from the alcohol she'd drank flowing from the motion.

"And you're walking home? Alone? In the middle of the night?" he frowns, "Yami, you should know that it's dangerous for you to be out here alone! Especially with the recent riots! You get hurt!"

"I can take care of myself, Freddie," she argues, "but thank you for the concern."

"At least let me walk with you until you get home," Freddie requested, shifting on his feet, "with the storms and riots, I've been on edge... I'd never forgive myself if you got hurt!"

"I won't say no to some company!" Yami giggles, still a little tipsy from her drinking. How Frankie could drink every day and still function (mostly), she would never understand.

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