The Assistant |||18+|||

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Book Title: The Assistant

Author: hisokalover09

Status: Ongoing

Tags For The Book: #18andup, #18plus, #blackwoman, #business, #bwwm, #fiction, #mature, #romance

Summary (Book Description) : I slammed the stack of papers down in his desk fumingly. A little smirk pulling up from his lips, "Whats wrong? Papers got to heavy?" He says sarcastically. "Fuck you, ive done everything you've told me now can I go home please!."

He turns his chair to where he is now facing me, as he slowly leaned back, feasting on my appearance and drinking in my emotions knowing how I get when i'm around him. "No." he says with a cold tone while starring at me with those now dark grey eyes. "Go lock the door miss young....-"

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