I See You (Rewritten)

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Book Title: I See You

Author: Undefineddd_

Status: Ongoing

Tags For The Book: #bwwm, #hybrid, #interracial, #mate, #mature, #ratedr, #stalker, #vampire, #werewolf, #witch

Summary (Book Description) : Liya Rae Smith is a witch with a deep obsession

Spying on her mate

The worlds first and only hybrid

Alpha Blake Wilder of the Crimson Fang Wolf Pack

Ever since he moved his pack to her hometown, she's been hooked.

the tales of the dangerous man kept her from approaching him, watching him from afar. Scared to make herself known to the man she craved, a beautiful creation made just for her; she settled for stalking.

Sometimes, the roles need to be reversed


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