Angel Dust

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Book Title: Angel Dust

Author: jawncuffies

Status: Completed

Tags For The Book: #angel, #angeldust, #babygirl, #bdsm, #brat, #bwwm, #crime, #daddydom, #ddlg, #detective, #dominant, #innocent, #kitten, #mafia, #maturethemes, #millionaire, #mysterious, #mystery, #naive, #newyork, #nymph, #pet, #possessive, #submissive, #vintage

Summary (Book Description) : New York.

Where cold concrete meets soft clouds and a block is longer than a mile. Crowded streets and sidewalks leave no space for people who can't keep up. It's a world of fight or flight but it's more fight than the ladder.

Crime runs ramped and the police gave up hope long ago.
People snatched left and right tear the city apart. Most give up and send a prayer to the ones they lost. Anybody with some sense would.

Determined in her right mind and crazy in the wrong, Alice doesn't hesitate to help track down her sister. As her whole world flips upside down, she can only depend on a Detective to complete her mission.

But perhaps everything is not what it seems..


The detective nods his head once and looks down at me, his height causing me to have to raise my head all the way up to look at him, "H-Hello Detective Daniels. Nice to meet you." I greet politely and offer him my hand, which he takes in his own large one and shakes. I don't miss how he slightly pulls me towards him and his hand lingers on my own for a second, "Nice to meet you too...Mrs?." He raises an eyebrow and I shyly looked down at the ground, "It's Ms." I correct quickly, "Ms. Anderson. I-I'm not married or anything b-but I'd like to be one day but of course my last name would change u-unless I choose not to change it-" Chief coughs awkwardly to stop my nervous rambling. I don't think my cheeks can turn any redder.

"Well, it's my pleasure Ms. Anderson." His voice was smooth as he brought my hand up to kiss it causing me to gasp softly....

The time is set in the past no specific era.. So there are many MANY historical inaccuracies
#1 in Brat (1/6/21)

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