Chapter 1

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"Sad birds still sing."

My grandmother used to say that sadness has to fade at some point in life to give a chance to other emotions, emotions every normal human has since birth... But everyone surrounding me in daily life was consumed in routine, technology and depression. You were lucky to survive your thoughts and forge a path to die happily on your deathbed enclosed by your family, it seems to be the favorite wish of people nowadays... To the people with a brain that is.

Humans are wrapped around the idea of perfection and beauty, afraid to age and savagely looking for a way to stay like that for eternity, but immortality doesn't exist, and you WILL wrinkle.

Perfection must come with money, in the end, it's what runs the world even if you deny it over and over and the thought is too sad to even consider, and not a single soul lifts a finger to change that... Or what you are doing it's not enough.

If you cannot be perfect, then study and grow as a person, a better human, someone capable of doing so much more that by accident you leave your heart in the middle of your success, and slowly begins disintegrating until you become a heartless narcissistic.

If you are not into beauty or studies you probably wonder about war and violence. Is the military going to do trick? Will I finally be able to reach the peak of my life? Will I finally be happy?

Will everyone be happy that I did it?

Please, let me laugh for a moment. It doesn't matter anymore if you are a man or a woman or whatever you feel like being, you will suffer, either on your own or the actions of others, but one thing is certain, you can't just stand around for something to arrive at your door. No, no, no. You have to get up and look for it, everyone says.

I did.

You know where I ended up?

Left behind by my task force and tortured for a year, to then return to this house of mine and be miserable as my mind screams at me. The sounds are too loud, the smell that invades my nostrils are repulsive, the sights that my eyes force me to watch are atrocious...

And you know what, all of this sucks because for a minute I was happy, for a minute I was getting better, for a minute I had hope... But in a minute I lost it all.

And sometimes... Just sometimes... These senses become what I always desired to feel safe in this wretched world.


"This is [Redacted]-- Humanity is [Redacted]-- Wait, this is not-- How do you get this to work?"

A Russian man of no more than 24 years old, wearing a surgical gown, holds a camera pointing to his stomach as he speaks.

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