What happened?

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Riley's POV:

"Worthless piece of shit" Luke yelled at me, while shoving me into the locker I was standing in front of. I was laying on the ground hurting, while him and his asshole friends were laughing at me. I picked up my books and walked at a fast pace to my next class, marriage and family. Sadly, Luke and his two friends are in the class with me. Just my luck. I walk into class and sit in the very back and scroll through my twitter while waiting for class to start.

For a about 3 years now; Luke, Calum, and Michael have bullied me. I honestly don't know why, we used to be best friends... What happened?

School eventually ended after a bunch of pointless classes. And I started to walk home. I always took the long way home (A/N haha get it long way home bu-dum) because Luke lived near me and I dont feel like getting bullied after school too.

I got home within 25 minutes. I unlocked the door and called out for my mom. no answer. Im used to being home by myself, work takes up all her time and my dad left us when i was 3... he was an asshole anyway.

I go upstairs to put on PJs and do homework, and out of nowhere my phone buzzes. A text? I dont have friends, who is it?

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