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Riley POV

*skips to going to school*

I grabbed my penny board and head out the door. On penny board it took about 20 minutes to get there and time flew if I had my earphones. Eventually o got to the place I dreaded so much. I picked up my board and walked to my locker with my head down.
I got to my locker and stuffed my board in and took out the books I need for classes before lunch. As I closed my locker Luke and his gang started to walk down the hallway. They were warmly greeted by everyone, except me I pretended to not see them and put one earphone in and played some Attila.
I know they saw me because Calum and Mikey started to pound me with insults.

"Oh look who's here"
"Fuck up"
"Why do you wear such ugly clothes"
"Ew why do you listen to that terrible music"

After they were done following me and attacking me with insults I walked around the corner and walked into class. I replayed the moment in my head because something felt off. Luke wasn't part of the insults. Hmmm weird.

Luke POV
I saw her in the hallway, and that means the boys saw her too. I knew what was going to happen. The same thing that we do today. Usually I'm the most brutal of the three but I wasn't gonna do that shit anymore. Mikey saw that I was just going to pass her so he took the lead.
I stood near them and watched them harass her. I didn't do anything, which I should have. I know I'm Iona get shot from them after they are done with their "fun".

"Luke what the hell!!" Mikey yelled at me after Riley was out of sight.
"What?" I questioned him know his answer.
"What happened right now with Riley why didn't you back us up" Calum pitched in
"I just don't feel like doing that to her anymore" I replied
"Why the hell not" both of them replied
"I don't know I realized what it could do to her!" I practically yelled back at them.
"We don't know what's going on with you but you better not be going soft. It's not good for you rep." Michael replied.
"Yeah. See you later guys I gotta get to class." I told them and rushed away
"Bye see you guys" Calum shouted to us
"Bye fuckers" Michael yelled

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2015 ⏰

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