Chapter 9

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North stared at the freshly awakened Jamie.


Katherine looked up from he seat by the window, unfazed as she watched the scene play out, "You've no need to light a nightlight... On a light night like tonight... For a nightlight's light's a slight light... And tonight's a night that's light..."

"Not helping, Goose," Aster hissed.

"Santa Claus..." Jamie whispered, still dazed as he shifted his flashlight over them all, "The Easter Bunny? Sandman?" he saw Toothiana and lit up, "The Tooth Fairy! I knew you'd come!"

Tooth managed a nervous smile, a little embarrassed about being caught, "Surprise... We came!"

Jack watched the scene unfold in wonder, seeing a firsthand example of a believer for the first time, "He can see us?"

Aster gave Jack a sincerely apologetic look, knowing how painful this would be to Jack, "Most of us."

Jamie saw a shadow by the window and shone his light at it, illuminating Katherine.

To Jack's surprise, Katherine wasn't in the youthful form he'd always known her for. Instead, she looks aged and wrinkled, youthful in spirit, but not in body. The old book, bearing a picture of a goose, her robes, and her pointed hat, all suddenly made her look like an all too iconic figure.

"Mother Goose?"

Katherine smiled, kneeling by Jamie's bed, "Hello, Jamie. It's been a long time since I read you a story."

Jack stared at her, confused, "What's going on?"

"The children can't see Katherine in her true form," Aster told him sadly, "It's kind of a curse or side effect from when she fought Pitch... after he burned her original library."

Jack felt anger burn in his chest upon hearing this. Knowing how much Pitch had hurt the girl he... he stopped himself. No, he couldn't allow himself to finish that thought... Not yet.

But as he watched Katherine talk to Jamie, he couldn't help but still find her beautiful.

"Guys!" Tooth whispered from the corner of her mouth, "He's still awake!"

"Sandy, knock him out," Aster instructed.

Sandy pounded his fist into his hand, taking on a businesslike expression.

"With the dream sand, you gumby!"

All of a sudden, a greyhound stood up on the bed, growling threateningly at Aster.

"Abbie, what are you doing?" Jamie panicked, "Sit down!"

Aster raised a paw, motioning for everybody to stay still, "Alright, nobody panic."

"Um..." Jack wasn't sure whether to try to help or let chaos rule, "That's a greyhound. Don't you know what greyhounds do to rabbits?"

Katherine stepped back, retreating to the back of the room to avoid getting sucked into an inevitable conflict.

Aster, meanwhile, was hiding his nervousness under a facade of bravado, "A safe bet she's never been around a specimen like me. Six foot one, nerves of steel, master of Tai Chi-"

Jack tapped an alarm clock, his cold touch setting it off. The sudden noise caused Abbie to leap into action.

Aster's nerves of steel failed as the greyhound's jaws aimed for his neck, "Crikey!"

This led to a chase around the room, and Sandy fumbled with the ball of dream sand he'd just created.

The Sandman missed his throw, accidentally hitting Tooth and Baby Tooth, sending them into slumber. The dream ball ricocheted around the room, bouncing off walls, the furniture, and even Katherine's book she used as a shield.

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