Chapter 15

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The barren Antarctic plateaus are considered the coldest region on Earth, but even they could not compare to the iciness in Jack's heart.

He tried to throw away the tooth capsule Ptihch had gifted him. He wanted to throw it away. He needed to remove any trace of his weakness, arrogance, and failure that had hurt the woman he loved.

Jack admitted it now. In his lowest moment, when he had nothing left to lose, he'd truly understood why he'd kept returning to Ganderly all those years, not just because of loneliness or boredom but because of that spark of warmth that thawed even his chilly heart. Hearing everything about Katherine, even what he'd learned from Pitch, didn't make him wish to leave. It only made him more committed to being there for her, to support, protect, and stand alongside her for the rest of eternity.

Nothing made him falter in his feelings in the slightest. He even held the secrets to his past at his fingertips, but he'd trade it all for a change to repair the broken trust. The bonds he'd made with the other Guardians were broken.

It was all Jack could do not to scream at the blizzardy skies stretching over the horizon. 

"I thought this might happen..." 

The silky smooth voice of Pitch Black caused Jack to stiffen. The shadow spirit looked almost sympathetic as he spoke, sounding like he genuinely cared for a moment.

"They never really believed in you. I tried to show you that..." 

Jack gritted his teeth, his shoulders rising and falling violently as he fought against the burning white rage building in his chest.

"But I understand..."

Those words caused Jack to snap around, shooting a bolt of ice from which the boogyman shielded himself with his sand.

"You don't understand anything!" Jack screamed in rage as he somersaulted overhead, aiming another blast from behind.

Pitch raised an arm, deflecting the attack, "No! I know what it is like to be cast out! Betrayed by the one I trusted!" he shot a stream of shadows that Jack dodged, "To not be believed in!"

Jack roared, digging deep within himself and summoning an immense wave of ice.

Pitch flung up his arms, bringing up a wall of shadows and sand.

The clash of power blinded them momentarily as an intense flash lit up the sky.

"I've also longed for a family, Jack!" Pitch pleaded.

Jack hesitated, not understanding why he was falling for an obvious trick, but deep down, he felt there was the tiniest amount of truth.

Pitch, seeing that Jack wasn't attacking, persisted, "You, of all people, understand how amazing a person Katherine was. Is!" he pressed a hand to his chest, "She and I were so close for centuries," he frowned, "But things changed! She left me... alone and in the dark! Stripping away any connection we once had. That same power that is killing her!"

Jack lowered his staff, "What do you mean?"

Pitch gave Jack a sad frown, "Jack... you've seen a glimpse of that power. Kailash was a goose spirit, a companion who always followed Katherine around, her familiar. I killed him all those years ago to protect her from the consequences of his power... the power to seal malice."

Jack shook his head, raising his staff again, "Katherine sealed your power during the Dark Ages."

Pitch laughed, a truly bitter laugh, "If only she did, but she contained Kailash within her grimoire of stories. Normally, spirits are forbidden to assimilate another spirit's powers, but the Moon made an exception," he spread his hands, motioning at himself, "All to stop me, the boogyman, from fulfilling my purpose."

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