This Century

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You left me,
All alone,
No matches or candles to hold.

I can't breathe,
I can't shout,
How can I call for help when I can't even pout?

I am alone,
In the dark.
No food or water to keep me around.

I trusted you,
I let you win.
Came to me with your big sporting grin,
How would I know you hated me so?
That you wanted me dead and nothing more?

I'm stuck in a cave,
With putrid smells,
Cold and black,
And with a low growl that does not bode well.

I can't see,
so I weep,
I can feel it's eyes on me.

Will you come back to bring me home?
I think not,
I was just a stepping stone.

Never did you love me,
You used me for your gain,
And now you imprison me so,
Because you have a new lass to cage.

"Set me free," I wanted to say.
But not quite this way.

I'm sorry I was so naive,
My family.
But looks I won't come home this weekend,
Or this century.

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