Chapter 1. Why?

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Alexis' P.O.V 

"Hey Lex, will you play Mario kart 8 with me?" I look over at my brother." I rolled my eyes. "no, Conner. That game is for babies." I replied turning back to my homework. He looked horrified. "It is not!!! Your just scared that a kid 2 years younger can beat you." Conner smirked. My eyebrow raised. He knew I DON'T back out of a challenge. "all right, all right. you got me but I call bowser." ~~~~15 minuets later...~~~~~ "Oh, yeah, Booyah. In yo face sis!!! 

You can't beat the con man.!!!" I rolled my eyes. I couldn't help but grin at my cocky little brother. Suddenly,there was a knock at the front door. Jumping up I rushed to the door and swung it open, thinking it was my big brother, Jack. Jack was in the army. He got deployed down to Iraq, to help out down there. He comes home on occasion. When he does, we have a ton of fun. We, go fishing, ATV racing, and just hang out. Maybe he had come home for a surprise visit. Opening the door, I saw it was not jack.

 The guy at the door was a soldier though, and guessing by the four star ranking on his uniform shoulder, he was a General. He had a light tan, short cropped hair, and multiple battle scars. "General Collins." He introduced himself. He shook my hand. His eyebrows raised at my strength and firm shake. "impressive." He muttered. I grinned 

"Learned from my brother, sir." At that his face grew serious. "anyway, is you dad home?" I knew something was up. "uhh yeah. let me get him." I ran up to my dad's study. I knocked "dad?" He opened the door. "hey sport. What's up?" Dad smiled, a tired smile. "there is a General Collins to see you." Dad frowned. "hmmm...lets go see what he came to tell us." When we came down the stairs, Collins was already siting on the sofa. 

Conner pestered him with questions about the military. Mom comes in with a steaming cup of tea. "Here." She says, Handing the cup to him. "Thank you." He smiles, turning to me. he said, You must be Alexis. Jack talked about you all the time." I grinned. "yes they are very close." Dad said with a smile. Collins ran a hand through his hair. "which brings me to the reason I came." "how is Jack?" dad leaned forward. The general sighed. 

" Ok, two weeks ago, We were ambushed by the enemy. It was a close battle, but we got them running." Conner gave him a thumbs up. Dad didn't move. "Go on." General Collins looked away. Jack got shot twice in the shoulder, and once in the chest." I felt a lump rise in my throat. "our meds did all they could, but...." The lump in my throat got bigger. "You mean......" My voice cracked, and my head began to spin. Collins nodded. " Your canary has fallen off the perch."

I knew what that meant. Jack was gone. Mom started to cry. Dad put his head In his hands. Conner started to sob. I just stared at Collins. After a moment I jumped up and ran to my room, shut the door, and collapsed on my bed to sob freely into my pillow.

After a while, a knock sounded at my door. I sat up and wiped my face. "Come in." I invited, in a very shaky tone. The door opened and general Collins came in. "Hey, You doing ok?" he sat beside me on the bed. Sighing, I answered. "I wasn't ready." He put a hand on my shoulder. "know no one was. but sometimes life doesn't give us good surprises.

" Yaknow, Jack would'nt stop talking about you." I smiled slightly. "really?" he nodded. Collins put a hand into his uniform and pulled out a small metal safe. "He left somthing for you, Alex." He said handing it to me. Taking it I found it surprisingly light. "what's in it?" I asked looking up at him. H nodded. "open it up."

 After realizing it was locked, I searched for a keyhole. Finally, I found an oddly shaped hole. Taking a closer look, I knew what to do. I reached up to my neck, where there hung from a leather cord, A dragon's head, made of gold.

 Sliding it into the hole, I turned it. Snap. The safe was unlocked. Opening it up, I Lifted out, Jack's dog tags. Lifting them out, I felt tears coming. Collins put a hand on my shoulder. "He wanted you to have them." I looked up. "Why?" He grinned a little. "Look at them." And I did. On one were things about him. His rank, realign, his name. 

On the other, were the words, "Best friends Forever." I felt more engraving on the back. Turning it over, I saw more words. The same words Jack used to say to me all the time. "Flame On." I was speechless. "wow" I finally said. "yeah, jack told me what an inferno you are" He laughed. "sounds like you are a real pyromaniac." I grinned.

 "I have my momments." He smiled. "Here." He took the tags and fastened the chain around my neck. "there." He smiled at me. Putting a hand on my shoulder, he added, "Jack would be proud of you." I smiled and touched dog tags. "Thanks. For everything." He got up and started for my door. "any time." Before closing the door he added.

 "Take care of your family, they need you. Be strong." "I will." He smiled and closed the door. Laying down, I remembered the good memories that Jack and I shared. Turning my head, I glanced at the photo on my bed side table. It was a picture of Jack grinning and ruffling my hair. Both of us grinning. Closing my eyes, I fell asleep instantly.

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