Revenge and forgivness are two differant things

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Alexis P.O.V

I ran home and walked in the front door being sure to hide me weapons in front of the house, Just in case. I wrote a note saying I was sleeping over for a while at April's. Man i hate bringing her into my messes. I stuck the note to the fridge, and ran up to my room. I changed into a dark green shirt, Camo pants and put on a black Wessex Jacket. (wessex: fire proof fabric.) I went down to the basment and opened the trunk. I grabbed a utility belt with spare bullets, a buck knife,and more amo. I picked up the top secret disk that the general had left with me. 

I went back to my room and put it in my laptop. It started a video. an army sergant stood talking. "hello, miss Rodgers." he said. how did he know my name? "If you are watching this right now, then you are to learn the truth about your brothers death." I leaned in. eyes narrowed. he continued. "You were told it was an attack that Killed Jack Rodgers. But that was not the case." I listened."The reason your Brother is dead is becouse of a man named Tyler Handshaw."

 my eyes widdened. that was impossible. Tyler was Jacks best friend in the army. there had to be a mistake. "this my come as a shock.": he contiued. "but never the less. it is true. Tyler, one day in an attack shot Jack. most dont know the truth why he did this, but he did it. we are doing the best we can to bring him to justice. Good day miss." He saluted. and the video ended. I sat there anger and regret running through my veins. my eyes clouded with a red glaze and all I saw was red. I ran outside and grabbed my gear. I left gunshin in my closet,and took only the M16. I remembered His smell. and took a long sniff. I was so glade I was not human. I got a whiff and ran, following the scent.

I ran all the way to Tennessee. then the smell got stronger. "so this is where your hidding." I muttered. I ran and ran all day, until I got to a bar in the darker part of town. the smell of drunk people was so strong I almost gagged. I walked in. every one stared at me. But I diddn't care. I walked up and sat at the table. "Little young to be here aint ya?" I looked up at a beefy guy in camo clothes."yeah,you know a guy named Tyler Handshaw?" he raised an eyebrow. "yeah, why you want him?"

I grinned. "that's my business." He shook his head. "Yeah? well I aint tellinn you where he is,girl." I got up and took off my hood. "fine,we'll do this the hard way." I said. I moved fast and did a judo throw. The goon landed with a groan. 

I waited while he got up. "How did you...." I punched his nose, and he howled in pain. "I learned a long time ago how to defend and ofend myself." I said. He threw a few punches at me. I ducked and swipped my foot. tripping him. I put him in a armlock. that threatened to break his arm. 

"I am going to ask one more time.where is he!" suddenly a back door opened and Tyler and 2 other goons ran in. "well what are you doing here so far from home,Alex?" Tyler asked, a questioning look in his eyes. I realesed the guy and walked toward Tyler. "what are you doing so far from jail Tyler?" I growled. 

He laughed. A laugh that made my back tingle. and my fists clench. "I have no idea what you are talking about." he said. but I was a good lie detecter. " I know what you did. You killed Jack." Tyler looked shocked. "Me? You think I whould do sutch a thing?" 

I narrowed my eyes. " You did." I said, read to beat him up.He sighed. "yes, I did." He did not aound regret full. I growled. "you are going to pay." Tyler laughed. "You make me laugh Alexis. You think I am going to pay for what I did?" in a flash, Tyler reached and pulled angun from the waist band of his pants. He aimed the gun at my hea

d. "You are not leaving here alive." he said. my vision clouded redm but this time I couldn't see a thing. One word rand through my head. Revenge. It rang so loud I got dizzy. I lost control."Funny.I was going to say rhebsame thing to you." I said with a devilish smirk. Swinging my own gun from my back,I pionted it at him. By now people had run out in fear.

Tyler narrowed his eyes, and fired. I ducked. he fired again and agian. I usedb my gun  to hit away his from his hand. Tyler drew out a buck knife. I grabbed my own. after awhile of clashing, I was cornered to the window. Tyler's knife came down. I blocked it. he crashed into me breakig the glass, and making us fall out. I got up and winced  at the pain in my leg. I noticed glass in my arms. 

Tyler got up and ran at me again. He forced me into a wall. kepping me occupied with keeping his knife from my throat, He pulled out another gun. He raised it. I slipped under  him. when I turned, He fired, twice. I let out a cry of pain.  I grabbed my side. I looked up just in time to see Tyler rush at me knife in hand.

He stabbed my shoulder and twisted. I screamed. Then He stabbed my stomach. I fell. Tyler stood over me. gu pionted atnmy head. I could  barely breath. I knew I was finished. I was going to die. Then I remembered Raphm And the promise I made to  him."I will come back,I promise." I felt heat coarsing through my body.

Tyler cocked the gun. "A marine never gives up" He said.I struggled to get up coughing up blood. "You are not a marine." I said. I fired up gaining strength. I was abaze. Tyler dropped his gun and backed up. I grabbed his shirt and flung him into the wall. He sat up. I twirled my knife. "Why did you do it?" I asked, walking up to him.

"some guy said he would pay me a fortune if I did it." He said scared. I leaned in. "who?" Tyler gulped. "his name was Saki." I froze. "You killed someone for money!?" I was insane with anger. I took my knife. " No!Please don't!" Tyler yelled. I pulled back the knife. "Did my brother plesd for his life? If he did did you listen?" I stabbed him in the chest.

 He let out a short choking sound. I grabbed his dog tags and ripped them off his neck. "You don't deserve to be called a marine." I said with a growl. 

Then I came out of my uncontrolled rage. And I saw what I had done. I stared in horrer at the dead man in front of me. I backed up and dropped the bloody knife. I looked down at my hands and arm that  were covered in blood.

I then realised. I was a murderer.


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