Another secret,another burden of guilt

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(AN: when you see this:***, then start the musice video.)

Murderer. The word crashed around in my head. I was a murderer. There was nothing I could do about  it. So I did the only thing I could do. I ran. I ran,tears  pouring down my blood streaked face. My side ached. My shoulder felt numb. but my side burned with pain. But I ignored the bullets. How could I live with myself. I killed someone! What would my family, the guys,Raph. What would they think of me? I ran until the pain kept me from going no more. I walked all the rest of way to new york.

 When I got there, I climbed to a roof and collapsed. I was tired and wounded. both physically and mentally. After a few minuets,I got up. I hopped from roof to roof. Suddenly I felt something whish past my face. I turned,and something sliced across my forehead. I clenched my teeth to keep from crying out.

I put my fingers to my head. it was wet and warm. I looked at them.Blood. I glared at the figure in front of me. Blood ran down the side of my head. "so,you are the mutant father wanted." a girl voice said. "you dont look like much. father must have been mistaken." I growled. I ran and ran around the girl hoping to make her dizzy. I was already dizzy from pain. something struck my thigh. I cried and stumbled. the girl kneed my side. the side where I got shot. I screamed, falling to one knee. I grabbed what ever was in my leg, and pullled it out. It was a throwing star. It looked familiar. My side burned and I struggled to get up. I faced the girl. She reached behind her back,and pulled out a ninjato. 

I grabbed my knife. then I remembered it was the knife I used to kill Tyler. As we came into the light. she saw my face. she stopped. "Alex?" I stared at her. A name worked its way into my head. "Karai." She backed up. "but this is impossible. you are supposed to be....dead." I stood up, holding my side that had started bleeding again. "What do you mean?" Karai threw a smoke bomb, and disappeared. I was puzzled. but I had to get to the lair. I couldn't tell them what happened.I slipped down the nearest man hole.

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