there is nowhere to run

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when I woke up I found that the lady who hurt Uncle Lois was holding me, we were both heavily covered, I was covered in a blanket so much that we were like a Mummy and she was wearing old dirty clothes and looked like an old lady, we went slowly

Y/N : let me go

I tried to scream but I was still quite sleepy

Monerta : shh, baby sleep

she talked to me like a baby, especially when we passed others who were walking around us, finally we reached the docks where I first got here

Osaki PoV

with a little struggle we got out of the cell and passed through the streets unobserved

Jon : if I know him well, he's already planning his escape

Osaki: we're not going to wait for him to be brainwashed or something else, I can't wait a minute

we tried to be quiet but it was difficult

Jon: we are looking for a boy who is wanted by quite influential people, he can't just go crazy shooting around and wait for him to come

Osaki: It's...

in it we caught a smell that was quite familiar to me, it was...

Osaki : Y/N, I found him

I looked around and found an old lady carrying something, I ran in that direction and Jon was right behind me

Monerta Pov

we found a lone submarine that is under maintenance it's not as big as the one i came in but it will do, we walked through a few corridors until we found the control room i smiled we finally got the dusty clothes off me before i tied Y/n to one behind the chair

Y/N : you can't

we just gently pinched his cheek

Monerta : sorry honey, your mom wants you home and I can't wait to see you blush when you're shy it's really cute

I started working on the devices and we set up the radio

Monerta (radio): babysitter is calling the creator, please answer

there was a moment of silence before a familiar voice spoke

Sarita (transmitter): please say you have him and that he is safe

I looked at a small child trying to play adult

Monerta (radio): he's full of energy

Sarita (transmitter): I'm glad, he also faces a serious punishment if I get my hands on itI laughed and we turned off the radio

Susie PoV

they're taking the president's body away and I'm talking to the press

journalistic fox: what is your reaction to the fact that the president was murdered?I stepped up to the lectern

Sussie: it's a terrible thing, I can't say who but someone is trying to destroy our beautiful country, they want to destroy everything we've built, we have to defend ourselves, we need protection and I'll guarantee you that protection

I wasn't stupid, they are afraid, they are afraid of everything even things that are not real, so you need to scare them and then offer them protection and you have them where you want them

practically the entire underwater city: Sussie, Sussie, Sussie, Sussie, Sussie

now it's only a matter of hours before they elect me as the successor to the president and then I can go for what's mine...

Sussie (mind) : everyone is mine and especially you Y/N


I've been sitting on the chairs for an hour, I didn't want to be here and I wanted to go home but she won't let me go anywhere


came a sound before the console announced that we were on the surfaceMonerta : now we just call your mom and your escape is over


Jon : I wouldn't be so sure about that

the door suddenly opened and shots were fired at Monerta but she was fast and hid before they could catch her, we saw brother Jon heading to where she hid and then we saw Osaki too, I didn't understand, I thought she hated herself, Osaki released me before taking me in her arms

Osaki: here you are, let's go

Osaki was about to leave, but we saw how Jon was aiming at her

Jon: sorry babe but I'm going to have to take the boys with me

osaki put me on the ground and held my hands up, she was clearly angry and I ran to Jon

Y/N : what's going on

Jon pushed me behind him

Osaki: traitor...

Jon : sorry girl, I don't work with mutants

I wanted to stop it but before I could say anything a smoke grenade flew between us and exploded and filled the room

Jon: RUN

I heard gunshots and that they were fighting, lois told me that if something like that happens i should listen to jon and run so he doesn't have to worry about me, we obeyed i ran out through this hallway and found a ladder with an open hatch, we climbed out and found that the sub is actually on the surface and floating like a ship, I walked up to the railing and admired the sea level but it didn't last long as brother Jon climbed out and closed the hatch

Jon: ok, we're almost gone, just...

in that we heard the honking of ships we turned and saw a big ship on the bow of which Sarita is standing in a bulletproof vest

Sarita : Y/M, forgive me for not being careful but that will change

right behind Sarita were her daughters as well as a bunch of armed soldiers

Jon: are you kidding me?

right behind us, a submarine with Suzzie also surfaced with a rather small army

Jon: are you kidding me?

the hatch then broke and Osaki came out with Monerta who then retreated from her

Jon: Fuck you all

everyone was pointing at each other, I don't know what to do at all

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