peace agreements

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I was looking out of the window of the car we were driving in, I recognized the building that I managed to get out of and where I hoped I wouldn't go back to but Sussie promised me help so I will listen to her and trust her until I get home

driver: we are here sir

the bad wolf looked at me angrily again before stepping out, there were a lot of furs with cameras outside taking pictures of the wolf but when I saw how many monsters there were outside we didn't want to go out

Y/N : Susie I'm scared, I don't want to go out

Sussie smiled at me before pulling a small backpack towards her

Sussie: I think that backpack should be enough to carry you inside without anyone seeing you

Y/N : and why do we have to go inside?

Sussie just smiled at me before helping me into my backpack, then I felt her putting the backpack on

Susie PoV

Y/N is now in my backpack, she doesn't even know that she will work as an ace up my sleeve for us, which I want to use at the right time, as soon as we had the backpack on my back, I caught up with Gorge, who was smiling at the journalists and trying to appear friendly, I was standing a little behind him with a neutral face so as not to attract attention, as soon as we were inside Gorge spoke to me

Gorge: have you prepared a script for me, what should I say?

he looked at me a little nervously, I grabbed a piece of paper from my plates where were written the things he has to share at dinner plus something extra that I added later

Sussie : stick to these points and everything will be fine if you need me I'll be waiting with ace in the next room

Gorge just looked at me a little nervously before heading towards the dining room, I went to the 

room that the local servants had prepared for us

Sussie : then let's get to work

Saria PoV

we were sitting at the table together with my daughters, I was very nervous about the fact that I lost my son and there is still no trace of him and on top of everything I now have to deal with this idiot who thinks he is who knows how big but the only reason why with the one I'm talking about is the one to prevent a senseless war

guard: President Gorge from the underwater city arrives

the guard announced the arrival of the idiot, I put on a fake smile as the only one, my daughters kept frowning until I forced them to smile

Gorge: Empress Saria, I am honored

I don't care and I want to get this over with, he sat down at the table and before they brought us the food we started the traditional conversation about the state of our countries, then dinner went on as usual until finally we were alone in the room without guards or other people so here it was just my family and him, so it's time to sign the renewal of the peace treaty, the whole time I was talking to him he was constantly trying to write in some paper that I think his secretary had prepared for him, apparently without her he wouldn't even be where he is now

Gorge : Lest I forget, you need to leave our nation a little more of the common resources we 

share from no man's land

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