The Day the world fell

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A/N Thank you all for getting the story of the Abused Dragon Emperor up to 20 views! I am now starting the story of MHAxZombies! The world will begin like normal but as the days continue on the world will eventually get overrun by the dead, leaving most of the undead as the proof that the world of Heroes and Villains had fallen. Also, as a terrifying prospect the undead can use the quirks of those they have killed, and the only ones immune to the virus are those who were born without a quirk. That's right the quirkless are the only ones capable of living without the fear of turning but that will be revealed later! Let's Begin, shall we?

Izuku was walking home from school as he had suffered a horrible beating from Bakugo. He just didn't get why that guy wanted him to give up his dream of becoming a Hero! He had always supported his dreams of becoming a Hero, so why couldn't he?! Izuku made it home as he went to the bathroom to take a look at the damage that he had taken, surprisingly the world seemed quiet on his walk home today. No villain attacks and seemingly no Heroes were around at all, it was something he wanted more than anything. He wanted a quiet day, and he finally got it, he needed to clean up his wounds before his mother came home, but for some reason he had a bad feeling about what was going on. There was always Heroes around the area, and they had always had a villain to fight. And the fact that there were no villains as well as Heroes? That was a cause for concern. After cleaning up his wounds and counting the number of scars he had on his body he went to make himself some dinner as his mother had taught him to make food. As he was making his food the news station came on the television as it seemed like they were all in a hurry to pack up and leave. "Attention one and all, there is a viral outbreak on the rise in the entire world! We advise you all to stay in your homes as well as stay hidden. There have been reports of Heroes going into the hospitals with bite marks as well as dying en mass. We advise you to stay near your family, as well as hunker down with as much supplies as you can. We don't know how long this will take to blow over! God be with us." The news reporter said, before a crash was heard from behind them. As soon as that was heard Izuku watched as the news anchor had fought for his life against some people walking towards his position and then was taken down really easily. He watched as the man was taken apart all while he was screaming in pain and suffering. Turning off the television Izuku moved to the phone as he made to call his mom to make sure that she is alright. *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* "I-Izuku! A-Are you okay!?" Inko Midoriya, or Izuku's mother called scared. "I-I-I am o-okay. Are you okay mom!" Izuku asked, scared for her safety. "I-I-I'm sorry Izuku! I am so so sorry! I don't know why but you need to make sure that you're not bitten by them!" Inko said, scared for her life whilst her breathing got even more erratic. "M-Mom what are you t-talking about!?" Izuku asked, scared. "Y-You need to make sure that *groan* you don't get bitten by these undead creatures!" Inko started, but after hearing a groan outside her room whispered to her son. "Are you safe mom?" Izuku asked worried. "I'm sorry baby, but I can't come home. I-I-I was bitten by them. I'm so sorry for you, I am leaving you all alone by yourself in all of this. Train yourself to survive in this new world okay sweetie?" Inko asked, a bit louder. But this was the wrong choice for her as banging was heard on the other side of the phone for Izuku. "Mom! You need to get out of there!" Izuku yelled out. "Baby, I am so proud of you. I am sorry for not defending you better against those who hate you. I wish you had a better life. I hope you can forgive m- *GRAAAOOOOR! * GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA?!" Inko apologized before being eaten on the phone. "Mom! Mom! MOOOM!?" Izuku yelled on his phone. As soon as he was about to call her again the phone lines went dark, and he looked at his phone with fear as there was no internet as well as connection to Wi-Fi. "Mom. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner about my life at school." Izuku said, sadly while crying. As he said this, he heard explosions coming from the city and he moved to his window and saw that the buildings in the distance were exploding as well as there were people on the streets running from the dead. Izuku covered the windows of his home with sheets as well as barricaded his home with his table and chairs. As he was about to barricade his front door it began to bang relentlessly as he stared through the peephole as he saw a young child in fear as he heard groans coming towards the little girl. Opening his door quickly he found her covered in blood as well as guts as he brought her inside and barricaded his front door. As soon as this happened there was banging on the door as the groans from the undead were loud. Izuku looked at the little girl as she stared in fear of the door and Izuku picked her up and moved her to the bathroom in order to clean her up. In the bathroom she was sat in the bathtub as he washed her hair as well as body softly as she stared at him in fear of what might happen to her. As soon as she noticed his faraway look in his eyes, she thought that she did something to him and was about to speak up when he looked at her with compassion as well as love compared to the ones, she received from HIM. "What's your name, little one?" Izuku asked, softly. "M-M-My name I-is E-Eri." The now named Eri said. "My name is I-Izuku Midoriya. And don't worry, I will protect you from them. I will take care of you and make sure that you're safe." Izuku said, with a sad smile. 

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