Dangerous Paths

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A/N So you all decided to get this story over 20 views! I am impressed! I will add this chapter in order to sate your desire for more Zombie gore as well as character arcs! This chapter will take place after a few weeks of Izuku brooding in his room after All Might's death. He is seriously considering going to the dark side if you must think in a way similar to Star Wars. But nothing will happen in terms of his psyche being down in the dumps. This chapter will purely be in the perspective of Aizawa Shota as he deals with the fact that their child protector has been completely disassociated from them all. With the only one of them capable of getting him to do anything being Uraraka. He will be the one we will watch from here on out for the moment. Let's Begin!

Aizawa Shota POV

I woke up to the sound of some undead banging on the walls outside of our base of operations. While the child Mei was inside the toolshed in terms of making something to combat the undead, I was sent out to find more survivors in order to get them here safe and sound... no matter their side to Heroism or Villainy. Anyone and Everyone will be saved, no matter the cost. It was something that made that boy more unique except for the fact that the one person who would do that is now dead. I can't believe that he had gotten caught off guard with the fact he couldn't kill just one of those things without his stupid quirk. But because of his death, the child who was there to see him die, is now completely muted himself as well as locked himself away in his room. The only one capable of going in there is his daughter, as well as his girlfriend. Not even Nagant is allowed in there at the moment. Which surprised me since he had sex with them not even 2 weeks ago. But that is besides the point, as he was walking around the perimeter of the base as he overhears some movement behind some buildings in the area of the base. Moving towards that spot, we find Hawks and Mirko standing over a small pond as they look at the fish swimming about the pond as they begin to speak. "I know that his death is quite harsh for our survival, but he really needs to get over it. It happened, now get out of your room and just be yourself again. Seriously how hard is that." Mirko rants to Hawks. "I don't know what is going through his mind right now, but he is probably blaming himself for the death of All Might." Hawks said, causing the girl to look at him. "How does he blame himself!? He wasn't there until the last minute of when he overheard the man telling him he was bitten! There is no way in hell that it is his fault!" Mirko said, angrily. "It's the human mind Mirko, he blames himself for not doing something to help the man. All Might was the strongest Hero in the world, and to have him die to the undead? It fucked his mind as well as his thoughts on his stature as the strongest being on the earth." Hawks informed. "Well, at least someone is helping the boy. I don't think that I would like to see him like this again. How far into the pregnancy is that Uraraka girl?" Mirko asked, curious. "She is at least 4 months in for her pregnancy. I think that the way the world is right now, is forcing the fetus inside her to gestate at a much faster rate in order to survive." Hawks said, looking at Mirko. "Well, we need him to get out of that room in order to spread his genes to Nagant. She will be a great mother, I know it." Mirko said, smirking. The duo would then walk away into another building as Aizawa watched from afar as they got into the freaky side of Animal Quirks. "I'm not getting paid enough for this." Aizawa said, walking away from them as he continued his patrol. After it was noon, Aizawa returned to the apartment as he was preparing to get some lunch for himself. He entered the building as he found Ochako sitting on the couch with Eri sitting next to her as Ochako was holding her stomach. "Are you alright, Uraraka?" Aizawa asked, concerned. "I-I'm fine, just wished Izuku was here to help." Ochako said, grimacing as she stared at her stomach. Just as they were about to continue their conversation Izuku came out of his room, but there was something wrong with his eyes. The left one was the same as his Emerald eyes, but his right eye was blood red in color in the pupil. Aizawa got his hand on his capture weapon as he looks at Ochako as she moved closer to Izuku. "I-I-Izuku? A-Are you alright?" Ochako asked, concerned. "I don't know what to do anymore. I should've listened to him. Yeah, that's what I should do now." Izuku said, walking out of the apartment. Ochako seeing Izuku like this immediately became alarmed, as did Aizawa. "Aizawa-sensei! You need to stop him! He's going to kill himself." Ochako said, trying to get off the couch only to feel a contraction in her stomach as she groaned in pain. "Don't worry Ochako, I will keep him from offing himself." Aizawa said, running off to find Izuku. 


Aizawa was running around the base as he was in search of Izuku he couldn't find him for the life of himself. It was as if the boy had simply disappeared. But then he saw Izuku looking at the pond of Koi and made his way over to the kid, not realizing that Izuku had a weapon on himself he closed the distance before Izuku whipped around enough to give himself whiplash. "I know you're following me! I don't need you to save me! I'm already broken and useless!? Don't you want to leave me alone for the Quirkless FUCK I AM!?" Izuku screamed as he stared the Hero in the eyes. "This isn't the way Midoriya! Dying will not solve anything!" Aizawa scolded. "Well, tough luck. You should've told me that years ago Aizawa-san. I've already tried so many times before this-this SHIT HAPPENED! I HAVE BEEN ABUSED, MENTALLY BROKEN TO THE POINT OF WHICH I DON'T EVEN THINK LIVING IS THE RIGHT CHOICE!?" Izuku screamed, garnering the attention of those around himself. Aizawa really needed Izuku to calm down since he was going to attract the attention of the undead as he was screaming his daylights out. "Midoriya! You need to quiet down! Do you want your unborn child and Eri to die because of your brash actions leading the undead upon us!?" Aizawa sternly yells. "I don't care at the moment! I lost my mom to this plague! I lost my father to a villain attack before I was even born! I caused the Death of All Might!? I am just so completely useless that I just make other people die around me!? What does this world want from me!?" Izuku cries out, falling to his knees. "Just calm down, and think about those you met during this plague. You met All Might, me, Nezu and many others during this apocalypse. You actually befriended Heroes kid. You need to calm down and return to the apartment and rest. You really look like you need it." Aizawa said, as he looked around their area. He then watched as Izuku lifted the knife he had in his hand as he placed it on his wrist and cut his skin. Aizawa then took that as his chance to stop whatever was going through Izuku's mind as he took the knife away from the kid as well as enveloping the boy in a hug as he beat the man's chest as he began to tear up. "I-I-I can't d-do this a-anymore. I-I'm just l-l-like d-dad." Izuku mumbles as he was sobbing. "Kid, you're not expected to handle things better than adults. Nothing could ever prepare you for this kind of event to happen. Nobody is at fault for dying except those involved in the incident." Aizawa said, grumbling. "W-What do you m-mean?" Izuku asked, still crying. "Whatever happened to All Might, was his own fault for letting his guard down. You never do that in this kind of world, you want to know why?" Aizawa asked. "B-Because it will cost you your life?" Izuku questioned. "Your absolutely right. It was All Might's decision to lower his guard for a moment that costed him his life. You were just at the right place at the wrong time." Aizawa said, causing Izuku to lower his head. "I could've done something to make sure he survived. I could've taken off his leg." Izuku said, looking towards the Koi pond. "Nothing you could've done would've saved All Might kid. He was dead the moment he got bitten. The moment you arrived, would've only sealed your fate with All Mights." Aizawa said, sitting next to Izuku. 


With Ochako, she was sitting on the couch as she was recovering from her pain of having her stomach punch her from the inside out. She had been worried about Izuku and Aizawa since they both left the place since Izuku and him had been gone for quite some time. She was about to get up when the door opened up and revealed Aizawa and Izuku walking through the place as he sat down at the table with Izuku sitting next to her. "I-I-I'm sorry for what I was about to do. I... don't know what came over me." Izuku said, his eye back to normal. "I think you need to see Nezu about your eye thing, but you don't need to apologize for that. Just make sure that you never think about killing yourself, okay? That will only make the person who told you to do that win." Ochako said, kissing the boy on his cheek as he blushed at the affection. The duo walked towards his room as Mei had walked into the kitchen to find Aizawa sleeping at the table as she smirked at him. She took some of his coffee and duplicated it for herself as well as taking some burritos in order to get herself some dinner. "Make sure you get some sleep tonight Hatsume." Aizawa grumbles changing his position under the table. "Will do, Aizawa sir!" Mei called out, heading for the storage shed. "Damn kids." Aizawa mumbles before going back to sleep.

A/N That was the end of the chapter! I hope you like it for my undead loving fans. I have made this chapter so that you all can know that more chapters for this specific story will come out, but it will be a lot longer before they come out. Since I have other stories that I wish to get more closer to their completion before this one. Don't worry, I will still keep an eye on this story as I will be making a Lemon chapter tomorrow for you all to enjoy for the day! I hope you like it and let's wait for the next chapter! 4 days from now's Chapter! Izuku versus Nezu!

1907 words!

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