Hold Out!

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A/N Sorry for the long wait, was going to do this chapter yesterday but got too tired to even start it. So I will be uploading the chapter today with some other story chapters. I hope you all have a great day! Let's start!

As the afternoon showed up Izuku was taking his mind off what happened that morning with himself and the girls as he was tending to his garden by watering it. He was really glad that he had the seeds to grow carrots, pumpkins, watermelons, and more. As he was still going around the small block, he heard the sounds of moaning coming from outside the walls as he moved closer to them in order to see what the hell was going on. He made it to the top of the wall only to find Hawks there looking a little shocked at what was on the ground on the other side. "What's going on Hawks?" Izuku asked. "I think you would rather see for yourself." Hawks said, giving Izuku the binoculars. As Izuku was looking through them he found that an extremely large horde of undead were heading towards his block and he wasn't happy. "Hawks, get the others to hide inside the houses as well as apartments and barricade everything." Izuku said, running to sound the alarm. Hawks ran down the stairs of the walls and headed back to the apartment where everyone was staying. While that was happening Izuku ran over to his portion of the wall and found something that wasn't supposed to be there.


BANG! Hawks busted through the door startling the occupants inside as they screamed as they threw a knife in his direction with him catching it. "THE DEAD ARE COMING STOP WHAT YOU'RE DOING AND BARRICADE THE BUILDING!?" Hawks called out, causing everyone to begin their jobs. "Wait, where's Izuku?" Ochako asked. "He is sounding the alarm; he will be fine. The dead don't register him as food." Hawks said, moving away. "What do you mean he isn't registered as food to them?" Mina asked, confused. "That means that if he gets bitten by them, he doesn't turn, and they would only bite him and not tear him to shreds." Hawks said, getting the barricade materials. This was happening very fast the undead couldn't have followed him there, right? This was too much stress being placed on their place of safety for their minds to take. As the main lobby was barricaded to hell and back, they found Izuku walking back with a torn shirt as well as a few injuries, but he was overall fine. He ran through his secret entrance that he covered up as soon as he opened it and got inside. As he crawled through the little tunnel, he was just about to exit the tunnel when he heard the sounds of the walls breaking down outside the apartment. Doubling his efforts in trying to get out of the tunnel he finally made it into the garage of the apartment, and he climbed the stairs to get to higher ground. He found that the lobby was mainly barricaded as it was the thing that they all decided to do, and he made it to his apartment in order to make sure that everyone was safe and sound. As he entered the apartment, he found that they were all hiding in corners with his dirty clothes near them as some of the girls were disgusted with doing this. "Why didn't you wash your clothes!? They stink worse than the dead!" Momo whisper shouted in anger. "Do you want to die?" Izuku asked, seriously. "No, but you seriously need to clean these!" She said, angered. "If I were to wash them you all would effectively be dead, because the undead can't smell you when you smell like a quirkless reject!" Izuku shouted. "Y-You're quirkless?" Momo asked, confused. "Yes, I have been ever since the age of four! Now if you're done complaining about the smell of my clothes stay the fuck quiet or else, I would toss you out to the damn undead!" Izuku shouted at her, causing the other girls to unconsciously move closer to the girl as she was close to crying. Izuku was staring into her eyes as he was filled with an anger that he hadn't felt since he found out Katsuki was only beating him until he was near death when he found out he was quirkless because he didn't want him to die. "Y-You wouldn't send her out there to die." Mina said, confident that Izuku wouldn't kill her like that. "Try me. Everything was going fine before you all arrived here. I can make a split-second decision to toss all of you out of MY home right now and I couldn't care less until later. But the fact that your deaths would be on me is what is causing you all to be safe here for the time being." Izuku snarled, walking away down the hall. Eraserhead and the other Teachers of Yuuei heard the yelling as he came out and found Izuku with an uncharacteristic scowl on his face as he stomped to his room. He walked out to the living room to find Momo, Ochako, Mina, and Kyoka all sitting there crying, they didn't even mean to piss him off. They just were not a fan of the smell of his dirty clothes, and merely asked if he could wash them. "You are aware that the undead don't eat quirkless people, right?" Eraserhead asked them. "We had no idea that they didn't do that, we thought they ate everyone and everything exclusively." Mina said. "He really needs to clean his clothes; I don't think that they find him repulsive." Momo said. "Fact of the matter is, he has felt what it was like to have a chunk of himself taken out and eaten, and the simple fact that he is alive shows that they don't eat people like him. So deal with it." Eraserhead said. "I don't think that this place is safe. What happens if we are just going to be used as sex toys or even worse bait for the undead!" Mina asked. "I feel like we should stay leery of Midoriya. I just don't feel safe around him." Kyoka said, shaking her head. "Are you all just forgetting the fact that he could've just left us outside the walls here! He saved our lives, and you are all just thinking that he is going to do something bad to us all?!" Ochako whisper shouted. "What do you think then? How do you know that he won't ask us to split our cheeks and fuck us three ways to Sunday then?" Kyoka asked, irritated with Ochako's neutral attitude. "Well I know for one thing he could've left us out there to die! Not to mention the fact that if you paid any attention to what he was yelling about he would feel guilty about sending us out there and we died!" Ochako said, making the girls give her a deadpan look. "You really think that he wasn't being serious about what he was talking about. People change in this kind of world; I personally think that he was rude in the world before and now is trying to score points." Mina said. "Are you all not getting it?! He could've left us out there! We could be dead, undead, or torn to shreds and who knows what else! But I would rather be his bitch than anything else because I only wish to live!" Ochako said, cursing to her friends. "You would rather be his sex toy, than take your chances out there?" Kyoka asked, bewildered. "Unlike all of you, but if you paid attention, he just stated that he was quirkless! How do you all think the quirkless generation of people are treated!" Ochako asked, angrily. "They are probably treated better than those with mutation quirks or quirks like mine." Kyoka and Mina said at the same time. "Wrong, they are treated worse than if they were us! They are abused, tortured, as well as suicide baited every single day of their lives! You want to know what I think about Izuku! He is a strong young man who has suffered the ill effects of this rotten society because of something he couldn't control! If I have to be his slut in order to stay alive in the slightest then I will do my best to be his personal cum dumpster in order to fulfil that wish!" Ochako said, walking away from them. As the girls were watching as one of their own walks away, they were beginning to think about what the hell is happening when there was a harsh blow to the building in the lobby. Izuku was seen rushing to the kitchen where he placed his camera systems to look in the lobby. "Shit shit shit shit shit!" Izuku muttered, pulling out a machete. As he moved closer to the front door, he looked at the girls who looked at him with fear since he was holding a weapon... he stared at them for a moment before a brief moment of sadness washed over him. He looked down as he thought about what he was going to say to them, and as he looked at them it was a small smile as he spoke. "If you wish to leave this place of safety so much then you can choose to leave in the morning. With the amount of undead here it will be impossible to do so right now. If you would like to stay that is on you, but I would never have someone be a slut in order to keep themselves alive. That is their decision to do, I give the people here a choice. Live or die, stay or leave. But the only rule you have is to listen to what I say, or there will be consequences. The reason that my dirty clothes aren't washed is because my smell is the only thing that causes them to leave those with Quirks alone and forgotten. They don't even register that you have a quirk because my quirkless smell is stronger than yours. If you wish to leave, then that's your decision and choice. But I will feel guilt that I couldn't help you if you go out and die a few days later." Izuku said, walking out the front door.

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