6. The Three Bad Wolves

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"Little pig, little pig, let me come in," said the wolf to the pig. "Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin," said the pig to the wolf.


"Mr. Lasser, please sit here for a second?" I say ushering him over to sit on a nearby fallen log. I shine my pen light in his eyes before he looks away and groans.
"Please Mr. Lasser we need to get you checked out. We need to make sure you can speak to the detectives coming to see you." I say.
Hap Lasser looked at me and nodded before falling still. After I finished examining him, I saw my brother and Hank approach out of the corner of my eye. I rush into the general area so as not to be seen while maintaining hearing distance.
"Mr. Lasser, you said you walked outside just before it exploded?"
"Well, yeah, Detective. If I would have been in there I wouldn't be out here." He says. He groans and moves around grabbing stuff laying around and talking about them.
"Mr. Lasser, we have a lot of people out here investigating the explosion. If you were involved in any kind of bomb-making, now is the time to let me know. Before anybody gets hurt."

Bomb-making? Me? I wouldn't know how to do any of that. Everything I love was in there." Hap says while shifting into a blutbad.
"My entire life. My brother's baseball cards! Now if my brother knew about this he would crap a car."
"Shouldn't he be happy you're alive?" Hank says, moving his hands.
"How is he going to hear?"
"Hey, you're going to need a place to stay tonight. Why don't you give your brother a call?" Nick says, holding out his phone.
"Your cell phone is not that good, Detective. He didn't make it out." Hap says as Nick lowers his hand holding the phone.
"Make it out of what?" Hank asks.
"Hos double wide. The same thing happened to him last month, with him in it. He's so dead." Hap tells them as Nick and Hank share a look before looking back at Hap.
"Nick." I call put softly when I see them walking with Hap to the car. Nick glances around before spotting me, he walks over to me.
"What are you doing here?"
"I've finished my EMT training so I'm called out to assist with non-emergency injuries, while holding onto my position of Detective." I say.
"Is this what you were talking to the Captain about?"
"Yes, Nick it is. But I'll explain more later, take Hap Lasser to the station. I'll meet you there."
"Alright I will."


"Yeah, just boom, man. Just blown up. It's like a crater. The old dome is toast. But I... I got nowhere else to go. So, how about it man? Just till I get back on my feet? Please? Just for old time's sake? I've got to go. They're all up in my grill." Hap says into the phone, setting it down.
"So, let's try to figure out who might want to harm you." Nick says walking over as Hap hangs up the phone. Nick tries coaxing Mr. Lasser over to his desk and urging him to sit down.
"Detective. Listen, bro. I'm a pretty happy guy. That's the reason the name Hap works so well for me. I love everybody, and they love me. Even the guys I owe money to." Hap says. Nick opens his mouth to say something but chooses not to say it and closes his mouth and walks away.
"Follow me." I say approaching them both. Hap follows me to my desk. He paces back and forth between my desk and Hank's desk.
"Tell me all these guys you owe money too?" I ask Hap to pull out a notebook.
"Uh, Jimmy Damon." Hap points at me, I write down the name.
"I'm into him for about three grand. It's a bar thing." Hap says pacing back and forth.
"A bar tab?!" Nick questions looking at me. I continue jotting down everything Hap tells us.
"No, Jimmy Damon was for a bar that I opened. He was one of my backers. It was a really, really great idea. You actually had your own bar right there at your own table. We lost our shirts." Hap tells Nick.
"Uh, then there's Sammy Runyon. I owe him, like, a couple grand. Strip mall creperie. You know, those really thin French pancakes? Now, pancakes are the new cupcakes. Or, at least, they should have been. In fact, maybe I could interest you guys in a really unique investment opportunity." Hap tells Nick and Hank.
"Was your brother on the hook with any of these guys, too?"
Hank asks.
"No, man. Rolf was what you would consider a really solid citizen." Hap says, sighing before pulling out a chair and sitting between my desk and Hank's desk.
"Any of these guys ever threaten you?" I ask, looking at Hap.
"Well, yeah. All the time. But it's just talk, right?"
"Well, loan sharks break bones, they don't usually blow people up. It makes it harder to get paid back." Nick says looking between Hap and I before settling on Hank.
"Well, according to the record, your brother's death was never investigated as a homicide. But due to the similarity of the circumstances, can you think of anyone that might want to harm you or your brother?"
"No. We didn't hang around the same kind of people." Hap tells us.
"Excuse me. This guy says he's here to pick up your vic?" An officer calls out approaching us. The officer then walks away to reveal that Monroe is standing behind him. Hap laughs and jumps up to greet him.
"My main man, Monroe. I knew he wouldn't bail on me. Buddy!" Hap calls out rushing over to Monroe to give him a hug.
"Hey..." I hear Monroe mutter before Hap lifts him off his feet in a hug and spins him around.
"Don't we know that guy?" Hank questions us pointing to Monroe.
"All right." I hear Monroe say after Hap sets him back down.
"Oh God. It's good to see you, man" Hap says, pulling away from the hug and patting Monroe on the shoulder.
"You, too." Monroe gasps out.
"Yeah, that's the guy Nick thought was involved in the kidnapping case. Remember he was arrested because he lived alone and lives next to the park." I exclaim before Nick can say anything.
"He's the clock guy. That's his friend."
"I guess so." Nick responds while glaring at me. I smile and shrug when Hank isn't looking at me.
"Do you want me to take this?" Hank asks Nick.
"No. No, Hank. I got this one." Nick blurts out quickly.
"Alright, well I'm going to go find the arson investigator and tell him we're coming down." Hank says, looking at Nick.
"Okay." Nick mumbles. Nick goes to stand up but I stop him before he can fully stand up.
"Nick, I got this okay. You can go with Hank to the arson investigators office." I tell Nick. Nick stands up fully and glances down at me. He must see what I'm trying to convey with my expression because he swiftly nods and walks over to Hank. Nick motions for Hank to follow him from the room. I step over to Hap and Monroe while they are still conversing.
"May I speak to both of you in this room?" I motioned to a nearby interrogation room. Monroe glances warily at me before nodding his head in agreement. Hap glances between us before also nodding. I lead them over to the room, I open the door and motion for them to enter. Hap and Monroe walk into the room and I follow by shutting the door behind me.
"Now Monroe, I know you can protect Hap if you need to. But until we find out for sure if there is a person targeting Hap, I want him to stay with me in protective custody. And yes, Monroe I am breaking out of my protocols to make sure he's safe, but I do believe he should be with me." I tell them.
"I know, but I think you are wrong. He should be with me." Monroe says. I give Monroe a look before sighing and trying to get my point across.
"I know the two of you are friends, but I am an EMT, and a DETECTIVE. He might be safer with an officer seeing as if someone is targeting him they will maybe think twice before going after a police officer." I say putting emphasis on detective. Monroe's eyes widen in realization before he physically deflates once he fully grasps what I'm trying to convey.
"You do have a point." He mutters.
"But..." Hap stutters out before Monroe cuts him off.
"No, she CAN protect you." Monroe urges Hap to listen to him and obey what he's asking. Hap must really trust and respect Monroe because Hap agrees almost instantly.
"Monroe, take him to my apartment. Here's my spare key." I say handing Monroe my spare key.
"Oh, and Hap, I'll be home in a few hours. I'll go to the store and pick up some essentials for you. I'm going to write down my phone number, text me a list of foods you like and I'll pick them up as well. Don't answer the door at all, and don't order anything out to come to the apartment. Since you are in protective custody you can't let anyone else but Monroe and I know where you are okay?" I tell Hap.
"As for you, Don't and I mean DON'T let my brother know where Hap is okay." I say poking Monroe in the chest.
"Okay." Monroe says, raising his hands in surrender.
"Wait, the two of you know each other?" Hap says pointing between Monroe and I.
"We've met?" Monroe deadpans, raising an eyebrow.
"You didn't get arrested for the things you used to do, right?"
"No, if it was for something he did, we wouldn't be friends now. Besides, we met under unfortunate circumstances, so we're cool now." I responded. Hap looks at me and smiles.
"Hey, aren't you that lady who helped me this morning?" Hap asks.
"Did you really just realize that, we talked this whole time about your case and potential suspects and you just now realized I was the EMT that helped you this morning?" I ask.
"Yea, man, sorry it's been a rough day."
"I get it. But yes Hap I am the lady that helped you this morning."
"Okay, then. Monroe text me when you get to my apartment. Make sure he gets in and locks my apartment door. And Hap, Don't leave."
"Okay, Detective... Hey, what's your name by the way?"
"Angela Burkhardt." I tell him.
"Should you even be partnered with your husband?" Hap asks me. I snort loudly in disgust before laughing loudly.
"The other detective is my twin brother, Nick."
"Oh God! I'm so sorry." Hap mumbles out quickly.
"Don't worry about it." I utter quickly.
"Well, we should be heading to your apartment." Monroe says quickly, trying to urge Hap to leave. They both rush out the interrogation room doors as I watch from the doorway.
"Alright. Bye you two." I call out as Monroe is practically dragging Hap from the building.

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