10. Organ Grinder

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"We shall see the crumbs of bread... and they will show us our way home again."


Two weeks have passed as Monore healed from his injuries. Nick was frustrated once Monroe called him and they talked about Monroe's attack. So when I received a text from Nick, I was shocked.

Meet me at Monroe's.


I made my way to Monroe's as soon as I read the text. So now here I sit at Monroe's house on his couch. Monroe starts to make lattes for Nick and I.

"You sure you don't want a latte?" Monroe asks Nick again.

"Yeah, blacks good."

"All right. If you say so." Monroe says he pours Nick a cup of black coffee.

"Thanks." I mumble as Monroe hands me a latte.

"You look sort of uncomfortable. This isn't something you actually want to talk about, is it?" Monroe questions Nick.

"Well, my aunt before she died told me I should break up with Juliette and that Angela shouldn't start to date anyone."

"Shouldn't we be talking about this over a couple beers at midnight?" Monroe chuckles.

"Why am I being dragged into this?" I ask Nick.

"The case with Martin Burgess when I arrested him he kept chanting 'nobody knows me, no one does, nobody.' Then it occurred to me, I want to tell Juliette."

"Tell her what?" Monroe asks, looking at Nick.

"He wants to tell her about Wesen, the things we can see."

"Okay, I see where you're going with this. Now I could really use a beer." Monroe mumbles.

"How would we go about this though, if you actually want to tell Juliette. We can't just tell her, 'Hey, you know Marie's crazy books. Well, I actually see those creatures, that's why I've been acting odd.' She'd flip out on us." I tell Nick.

"It's gotten too dangerous for Juliette, She has no idea what we're dealing with on a daily basis. When Stark attacked me in my house... She could have been killed."

"I know." I pipe up.

"Have you not considered how you're going to do this?"

"Well, I was hoping you could give me some advice." Nick starts as Monroe scoffs.

"I mean, haven't you ever had to explain who you are to anyone?" Nick barrels on ignoring Monroe's scoff.

"You mean, like, a normal person? No. There's no good outcome to that. Either they believe you and think they're crazy, or far more likely they don't believe you and they think you're crazy. Either way it puts a strain on a relationship."

"Well, I have to tell her something. You know I can't jeopardize her like this."

"Maybe that's why your aunt told you what you have to do."

"That's bullshit! We're just expected to stay single for the rest of our lives." I yell out.

"It'd be easier." Monroe says softly.

"Look, isn't there a way you could... You know, blutbad for her?"

"Okay. Just hold it. Given the right circumstances, you know... Like, in the heat of the moment kind of thing... We can be seen. Which, by the way, accounts for a great many of your legends. We would have gotten away with a lot more bad behavior if it wasn't for the guys like you Grimms who can see us when we don't want to be seen."

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⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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