3. Beeware

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"She'll sting you one day. Oh, ever so gently, so you hardly even feel it 'til you fall dead."

I walk into the Captain's office on Monday morning.
"Morning Captain. I'm ready for my week of desk duty." I sigh.
"Morning Detective. I need you to fill out the paperwork you've missed the last few days." He says handing me a folder.
"Yes, sir." I say grabbing the folder and walking to my desk.
"Morning Nick. Morning Hank." I call as the step into the area.
"Morning Angela." Nick says before his phone rings.
"Morning Angela. how are you feeling?" Hanks asks softly.
"I could be better emotionally, but physically I'm healing." I say before noticing Nick's frown.
"Looks like you both have a case." I say motioning to Nick.
"Yeah. Looks like it, I'd better head out to see what's going on."
"Yeah see you later." I call before opening the folder of missed paperwork.
"Hey Angela, haven't seen you around the past few days." A voice says startling me from my paperwork.
"Wu." I exclaim, dropping my pen.
"Whoa, didn't mean to scare you." He says holding his hands up.
"No, it's alright. I've been home healing you know this Wu, besides I have to now deal with missed paperwork." I say waving the papers in his face. He chuckles before moving my hand away.
"I see, well Nick and Hank should be up for an autopsy soon, they need this video for their case." He says gently moving the laptop.
"Go ahead you can set it up on my desk, it keeps me from paperwork for a bit. I need a break and might as well focus my attention elsewhere before I burn these papers." I say waving the paperwork again before pushing it aside. I help Wu place the laptop on my desk before he looks through the footage.
Nick and Hank approach as Wu finishes looking through the main video. Wu begins the video as Nick, Hank, Wu and myself crowd around the laptop watching the video.
"7:14 a.m., there's your victim." Wu says.
"Got her. Move past this." Nick says as Wu fast forwards the video.
"All right , anything? Anyone eyeing her wrong? Reaching for anything?" I ask.
"Okay, now slow it back down." Hank instructs Wu.
"That looks like they're waiting for a cue." Nick states as Wu presses fast forward on the video.
"Now that's a flash mob." Wu states.
"There. We've lost her."
"Can you do anything, Wu?" Hanks asks.
"No, that's it. The camera's stationary. She falls out of sight."
"That flash mob was our witness pool." Hank says standing up.
"Get this on the news. Anyone innocent should come right forward." Nick says gathering his jacket, as Hank and Nick both head towards the exit.
"I want your full attention on the streetcar death, all right? We don't need the city to be scared to use public transportation. Now, Harrison Berman, the head of the vic's law firm, he's upset, he's angry. We're going to have to deal with this. Are you sure this wasn't a random killing?" I hear the captain say as he follows Nick and Hank to the doors.
"Doesn't look like it." Nick states.
"All right, well anything you need, you let me know." The captain says before turning around and walking back to his office.
I watched as person after person come walking into the station. After several minutes there were 22 people standing around.
"TV coverage paid off." Wu said as he led Nick and Hank into the precinct.
"Say hi to your flash mob. Excuse me. Twenty-two so far. By the way, Captain's been taking a keen interest in this one. He's even asking me what's going on. Angela is with him now." Wu says, walking towards Nick's desk.
"Listen, then do us a favor, while we talk to the Village People, can you check out the alibi for Professor Spinella last night? Some convention at the Ho-Jo's in Eugene." Hanks says.
"And gets us the name of every beekeeper who was there." Nick adds.
"No problem. Have fun with your interrogations." We call back as he walks away.
"We will." Nick mumbles.
"Detective, what can you tell me about Nick's current investigation?" Captain Renard asks.
"From what I've gathered from Nick, there was 50 milligrams of apitoxin in her system, a bee sting only carries a 0.1 milligram of apitoxin. And that she was stuck in her neck with something to inject the apitoxin. And that she has no boyfriend, no big case or anything that could hint at why she was killed. But she seemed pretty happy with how things were. We have the flash mob out there waiting for interrogations, and Nick told me a minute ago that he's looking into some beekeeper convention for a beekeeper's alibi. Otherwise that's about all we are able to tell at this point. So Captain I'm going to help Nick and Hank with the interrogations, unless you need me for anything else?" I rattle off all the knowledge that Nick was able to find.
"Alright go ahead Detective." The Captain dismisses.

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