42: The Things We Do For JB

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WHILST POPE and Kiara were actually being useful in the operation of trying to help John B, Aurora was searching around the Cut for JJ. She figured he would've visited JB and come up with a plan, she just wanted to help. Rory threw away her cigarette on the pavement, before she spotted an Ambulance in the distance. She squinted at the familiar number plate, before walking towards the window.

The driver flinched as Rory knocked on the window, and her eyes widened as she recognised the face of her brother. JJ motioned for her to run around to climb into the passenger seat, as he leant over the seats to open the door for her.

Aurora closed the door behind her, "Can I ask what you're doing in Pedophile-Rick's ambulance?"

"I borrowed it to help John B." JJ explained, as his eyes darted on his surroundings in worry. He frowned, "And Rick said not to call him that."

Rory scoffed sarcastically, "Well, it's not my fault he perved on girls. So therefore, he's our cousin Pedophile-Rick." She paused, watching JJ intensively, "Who are you looking for?"

"Cops." JJ replied quickly, using the side-mirror to look behind the vehicle.

"Cops?" Aurora repeated.

"Yes, Cops. Police, Pigs, People In Uniform." JJ listed quickly.

"I know who the Cops are." Rory rolled her eyes, "I'm asking why you're looking for them. JJ, what have you done?"

"Am I a licensed Ambulance driver?" JJ asked sarcastically, "Didn't think so."

"I thought you said you borrowed it, like, Pedophile-Rick let you take it." Aurora replied, as her expression filled with realisation. She buried her face in her hands, "JJ, you stole his Ambulance?"

JJ disagreed, "Well, when you put it like that-"

The sound of sirens cut him off, as the two siblings quickly looked at each other in panic. JJ peered behind him to see a Police Car slowly approaching the Ambulance,

"Get in the back." JJ whispered, practically pushing his sister over the front seats, "Get in the back. Hurry!"

"I am hurrying!" Rory whisper-yelled, as her body thudded onto the floor. She pushed herself into the shadows of the back-seats, "We're so dead, J. We're so fucking dead."

"Shut up." JJ shooed her away, "Shut up, he's coming."

"Play it cool." Rory whispered quickly, before covering her own mouth with her hand, as she listened to the Car engine stop outside of the vehicle.

"I hate it when it's slow like this, you know?" The Cop stated to JJ, who was hesitant to reply.

He cleared his throat, making his voice sound deeper than it actually was, "Tell me about it, man."

"Hey, what happened to Ricky?" The Cop asked curiously, "He bang out?"

"Something like that." JJ exhaled deeply, before a women on the radio spoke,

"One Three. We got a unknown at KC Detention."

JJ grabbed the radio, "Uh, yeah, ten-four. I'll be right there. Thank you so much, uh... Over." He turned the keys to the ambulance, "Duty calls. I'll see you later, Officer. Uh, you have a good night, though, okay?"

"Hold up." The Cop replied, and Aurora felt her heart drop to the pit of her stomach. He continued, "I got nothing to do. I'll pace you."

The police car turned on its sirens, as the Cop started driving- expecting JJ to follow. Aurora let out a breath that she didn't know she'd been holding, "Holy shit, don't follow him."

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