Pokemon World Adventures: Chapter 184

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With Rowlet and Bakugo who have just landed on top of Aincrad castle.

Rowlet: Row.

Bakugo: What the hell? Is this the top floor? There's another castle on top of it

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Bakugo: What the hell? Is this the top floor? There's another castle on top of it. I'd love to know what the developers were thinking when they came up with this.

???: My my, what a surprise this is. I never expected to see you here, Katsuki Bakugo.

Bakugo: *Gasp* That voice, no way. What the hell is he doing here!?

A man floats down from the sky and lands on the ground in front of Rowlet and Bakugo.

Rowlet: Row.

???: And Rowlet is here too. This is perfect. I'm assuming that Tomura was successful in sending you here then.

Bakugo: I...I..I...

???: Now what seems to be the matter? We've met each other before, so there's no need to be anxious.

Bakugo: How the hell am I not supposed to feel anxious around someone like you!? All For One!

Rowlet: Row!?

All For One: Hmm. Well I suppose the last time you saw me was when me and All Might had our rematch at Kamino, so I don't blame you for being intimidated.

Bakugo: But I don't get it. You're supposed to be locked away in Tartarus! How are you here!?

All For One: Well...

Rowlet: Row! *Uses Seed Bomb*

Bakugo: Rowlet, no!

Seed Bomb hits All For One, but it does nothing to him. A purple shape with the words 'Immortal object' written inside it appears, but Bakugo is unable to see this.

Rowlet: Row?

All For One: I wouldn't advise you doing that again, but I'm surprised at the fact that this Rowlet can use Nen.

All For One: I wouldn't advise you doing that again, but I'm surprised at the fact that this Rowlet can use Nen

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Bakugo: (He knows about Nen!?)

All For One: Anyway, to answer your question. How am I here? I'm not here, and this isn't my real body. To be precise, this vessel is just an NPC created to confront players who manage to cheat their way to this floor. And I also send them back to the very spot where they last made contact with the ground before arriving on this floor. For you two, that would be on floor 50.

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