Pokemon World Adventures: Chapter 195

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With Ash, Pikachu, Killua, Alluka, Bakugo, Klein and Team Rocket in a prison cell inside the Knights of the Blood Oath headquarters.

Bakugo: Tch, how long are we gonna have to wait in this prison?

Bakugo: Tch, how long are we gonna have to wait in this prison?

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Killua: As long as it takes. Attempting an escape would be dumb. Not only is it probably impossible, but we'd be causing a lot of trouble for Kirito, Asuna and the others.

Ash: No, I think we could break out if we wanted to.

Pikachu: Pika?

Klein: And just how would we pull that off? It's not like any of us can break down the walls or bars. The game prevents that from happening.

Ash: Oh, I didn't know. Nevermind. (We can do it with Nen, but I can't say anything about that with Klein here.)

Alluka: (I could help, but big brother won't let me. He won't let us help him.)

Meowth: So what happened to the help we were supposed to be getting?

Klein: Oh right, one of the guys from my guild sent me a message saying that they were gathering resources in prep for breaking us out. But for some reason, I'm starting to think that we should just wait until we're released and ask them to stop.

Jessie: Are you kidding!? You expect us to stay here forever!?

Klein: No, of course not! What I'm saying is that it's probably better that we wait for our eventual release rather than my boys try and fail to break us out, resulting in not only us staying in here even longer, but they join us too.

Killua: I agree, that's probably for the best.

Heathcliff approaches the cell.

Heathcliff: So you're the one without health gauges. It's nice to meet you.

James: And who are you?

Heathcliff: I'm Heathcliff, the commander of the Knights of the Blood Oath. I have some questions that I'd like you to answer for me. If I'm satisfied with the answers you give me, then I'll let you all go. But if I decide that you're a danger to the players of SAO, then I'll have no choice but to keep you locked up forever.

 But if I decide that you're a danger to the players of SAO, then I'll have no choice but to keep you locked up forever

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