Pokemon World Adventures: Chapter 187

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Kartana, give this one everything you've got!

Kartana, give this one everything you've got!

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Kartana: Kar!

Mewtwo NPC: Don't even bother, nothing can touch me.

Killua: Are you sure about that?

Killua taps two fingers on his left palm.

Kartana: Kar! *Uses Leaf Blade*

Kartana focuses its aura into the attack, and hits the Mewtwo NPC, causing one of its health gauges to go down.

Mewtwo NPC: What!?

Giovanni NPC: I...impossible!

James: Mewtwo just got attacked.

Jessie: Yeah, and that Ultra Beast was super fast.

Killua: Hehehe. (If we can keep this up, we'll win.)

Giovanni NPC: Don't get full of yourself, that was just a lucky hit.

Killua: Oh you really think so?

Killua taps one finger on his left palm.

Katrana: Kar! *Uses Smart Strike*

Kartana focuses its aura into the attack, and hits the Mewtwo NPC, causing one of its health gauges to go down.

Giovanni NPC: Again!?

Killua: Just luck? I don't think so

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Killua: Just luck? I don't think so.

Killua taps three fingers on his left palm.

Kartana: Kar! *Uses Psycho Cut*

Kartana focuses its aura into the attack, and hits the Mewtwo NPC, causing one of its health gauges to go down.

Giovanni NPC: Mewtwo, what are you doing!? You shouldn't be letting that thing hit you!

Mewtwo NPC: My apologies, boss. But I think I've figured him out now. Everytime he taps his hand, his Pokemon attacks. Depending on how many fingers he taps his hand with, a different move is used.

Killua: Oh wow, that didn't take you very long at all. (I came up with this method so that my opponents wouldn't know what move Kartana was gonna use ahead of time. But I wasn't expecting Mewtwo to figure it out so quickly.)

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