Chapter 14: NH&NTHs

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4 weeks had passed since you were brought down with that nasty cold. A month since the villains moved in. February gave way into March and things were looking up. Rehearsals for the show were going well, only 3 more weeks till opening night. School was working out in your favor and thanks to Claud and gothel, your grades had improved immensely. Mad has helped you make a full recovery from that strang illness. Gaston has been helping train you to defend yourself against spencer, who was thankfully leaving you alone for the most part. Best of all you had something special happen.

Just last week you had received an email that your application for National Honors and Technical Honor society had been accepted. Tomorrow was your induction ceremony. There was just one problem, you had received 2 tickets and you had no idea who to bring.

As of right now you were sitting on the bus, since you needed space to think. You had to disided tonight who you were gonna take. But there's so many of them, how were you gonna choose? Your thoughts leave as you hear a ping on your phone from Emma.

Emma: What do you think? Blue or yellow.

She sent two photos, one a long blue dress, the other a yellow dress that fell just below her knees.

You: yellow looks cuter.

Emma: yellow it is.

You: Hey Emma, any ideas on who I should bring?

Emma: They gave you tickets?

You: ya I was a bit surprised as well, but am kind of glad they did. Only problem is, there are like 30 of them and only two tickets.

Emma: Well you live with them, I can't really say I take them anywhere.

You: they're not that bad, just last week cruella and I went on a driving lesson. She even helped me sign up for my road test.

Emma: Maybe her then, she's not so bad. Just don't let her go near Vet tech, although she might be doing us a favor if you do. 😂

You laugh, tv and Vet kids never got along. But thankfully they where no ware near your shop.

You: maybe, I'm still thinking.

You then look out the window to realize your stop was coming up.

You: I'm at my stop, I'll see you tomorrow.

Emma: See ya!

You grab your backpack and sand as the bus stops. You then hop off and begin your 15 minute walk home. You tried to go through every sicario in your head of what could happen if you brought certain people. No portion looked the best. Maybe if you talked to one of the sidekicks they could help. It wasn't long before you climbed the small hill up to the front door.

"I'm home." You say coming through the front door.

"Your home early." Hades said from the living room.

"Took the bus, I need to-think about some stuff."

"Everything ok?" He asked, looking over from the chair.

"Ya, I just.." you sigh "is iago around?"

"Probably upstairs in jafar room, why?"

"I just need to talk to him." You then plop your bag down and head upstairs to Jafars room. Once there you knock light and wait for it to open.

"Yes?" Jafar asked, being the one who answered.

"Is iago in here?" You ask.

Jafar rooled his eyes as he turned his head into the room.

"It's for you." He then walked away as Iago flew over to the door.

"What is it kid?" He asked, not really pleased.

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