Chapter 11 - The Mask is Broken, a tale of Kings and Dragons be told

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Yuya awakens to darkness. He can't see his hand in front of his face. "Hello? Is anyone there?" He calls out into the darkness. His hand feels the cold stone floor. He's in reality. "Yuya? What happened?" Yuya hears the voices in his head. "Yuto? Yugo? Yuri? What happened? I saw Reiji and then things went blurry." As Yuya tries to move his arms, he hears metal rattling. He realizes the tight grasp around his arms and legs are shackles. He tries to stand, the chains follow. Before him, a spotlight illuminates the chamber. He walks towards it, as something starts to dangle in front of him. He reaches out for it. It's his necklace. The symbol of his pendulum. As Yuya grabs hold of it, images of events flash before his eyes, but not his eyes alone. He pulls the necklace out of the spotlight as it fades away. Tears fall from his cheeks, as he remembers what he lost.

Another spotlight dawns on Yuya, lighting up the darkness as Yuya wraps the necklace around his neck. The floor below him starts to rise, carrying him up above, towards the light. He shields his eyes from the light as he spent too long in the darkness. As he approaches above, the shackles around him unlock, and fall to his feet, hitting the ground hard. Once his eyes adjusted, Yuya stood tall as he was no longer weighted down by anything.

Yuya is carried into a large stadium. Looking around, he sees 'LDS' signs on the walls, so he figures he's in Miami City, Standard, his home. As he looks around at the filled out crowds, he feels something strong pulling at his very soul. His necklace hangs from his neck, the crystal catches the light perfectly. "Yuya!" He hears a stern voice from behind him. He turns to the source. He sees Noboru seated in the stands, beside him is Shingo, Crow and Shun, as well as a few members of the Heartland Resistance. "Noboru! What's happening?" Noboru looks uneasy, his heart on the verge of breaking as he holds back tears. Shingo, by his side, tries to console him, patting his back. He looks up, and gives a fairly decent smile. "Good to see you, Yuya." "Yo! Yuya!" Yuya turns again to see Dennis with Edo, the sisters and Kaito with a young boy being carried on his shoulders. Yuya looks around him, at the rest of the stadium, and starts seeing familiar faces. He sees Syuzo with the kids, and the LDS trio; Mieru with Michio and Teppei and Eita; Jack stands with the commons, overlooking members of the tops; he sees his fellow Lancers with their friends and family, but even then he doesn't feel them happy.

"Yuya Sakaki!" Yuya turns to his front as he hears a voice, all too familiar to him. "Reiji!" Reiji appears before Yuya, being carried down by a solo helicopter, hanging from a rope ladder. Landing on the floor below, his transport flies away, leaving them alone in the ring. "What's the meaning of this Reiji?" Yuya asks, his tone with a hint of anger as he demands an answer. "Yuya Sakaki. I've sent you around the dimensions. Do you know why?" Reiji asks, his eyes widen behind his glasses. Yuya remains silent, feeling that he's been lied to. "I'll tell you. It was to get you out of the way. I wanted you gone for enough time so I could prepare myself." Yuya starts to get more angry, clenching his fist tight. "Prepare yourself for what? Zarcs return?" Yuya speaks, his body shaking with rage. "Yes. Your return."

The stadium is quiet, even with every seat full. Reiji's voice echoes in the stadium. "Yuya. This your last duel. But also, your trial." Reiji replaces his duel disk, his eyes finally shown, revealing cold sorrow, and burning pain. Under his breath, he whispers to himself. "Forgive me, everyone, including you, Yuya." Enraged and heartbroken to have been lied to and betrayed, Yuya retorts by activating his duel disk as well. The stage changes, the action field for the duel is displayed. The action field is Acrobatic Circus. "Duelists locked in battle!" Reiji starts the chant. The whole stadium is quiet. "Kicking the earth and dancing in the air alongside their monsters!" He continues, as Yuya stands there gritting his teeth. Taking a deep breath, he joins him. "They storm through this field!" "Behold! This is the newest and greatest evolution of Dueling!" Together, they finish the chant together before starting their greatest duel. "Action Duel!"

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